Dallben Folds Trip Fives

Also, that Stacy post cracked me up.

I'm really A Harvard Professor.


Enkidum— I think it's either Feynman or Bertrand Russel. I've seen Dawkins quote it a bunch, but I don't even remember him giving it rock-solid attribution.

I would watch the shit out of a live version of Pinky and the Brain. Only I'd want it to star Maurice LaMarche and Rob Paulsen.

On the hilarity of CGI rodents
There are very few rules I have when it comes to experiencing pop culture. Or at least, very few rules I strictly follow, since once you decide to go exploring, you figure you might get something extra out of breaking your rules that you otherwise wouldn't. So I try to keep an open

Shit, where do you manage to get clove cigarettes AND vermouth when you're 17?

That's a sweet story, Talentpun.

Yeah, exactly, LoneAudience.

This isn't the future of high-profile job hunting, is it?
"20th Century Fox, I'd like to be your new head of production. Check out my YouTube channel to see why I'm qualified."

HDB — you mean the concept of a semi-sentient weaving loom didn't strike you as instantly filmic?

Drunken Master is awesome, and the early-mid 90's crop of Chan releases like Rumble in the Bronx, Operation Condor, and First Strike were fun b-movies. The problem is, by the time he made it to starring in summer tentpole shlock (like "Rush Hour"), he was getting older — I believe he has said in interviews that as

Erik E Erik: (Hell yes!)

Disliking the 5th Element is sort of like disliking the bumper cars at the county fair.

OK, SarCCastro, here you are. There's some "flack". Happy now?

MHJ, that's how it's done, son!

Terry Quinn and Michael Emerson are CATS in AWKWARD INTERCOURSE, but when a GOOSE FARTS ON Emerson's TOE, Quinn and Emerson have to DIE before their PENIS EXPLODES.

Oh the Possibilities, your Cal Ripken post was a beauty.


Thanks, Scott! Between this and House of the Devil, looks like you've been in a week-long That 80's Show ep.