Dallben Folds Trip Fives

Agree.  This is one of the best poker breakdowns for non-poker players / movie scene breakdowns for non-fans I've ever read.

When I had my ongoing poker game, we had a very explicit, "NO QUOTING ROUNDERS!" rule.

I think he even did Nicholson (too lazy to IMDB it) — which was downright impressive.

We're in a real quzybuk!

That line was the funniest thing I've read in two weeks.  Thank you, Sean, for making me chuckle.

Terrific episode.

As everyone knows golfing was verboten in the Third Reich, I do not Nazi the humor in this comparison.

I sort of stated this somewhere upthread, but—

@avclub-eaf402eeb9124200ac5a79cbc3355d72:disqus  How to Fix Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip:
by Dallben Folds Trip Fives

"Think of it as Steven Spielberg saying to George Lucas, 'I love you, buddy.'"

1 in 3 women are too loose
Can I get a high-five on *that*?!

Yeah, well they thought using "Get Back" would be a subtle, self-effacing way to re-start Leno on "Tonight". So… yeah…

MH, right on! I was gonna comment on this. I mean, I loved the "F" right away, but the streaming ad is just delicious turd-icing on the fuckcake.

's John Q gonna have to choke a bitch?!

LoneA, the original draft of Minority Report was bizarrely bad, and fairly limited in scope compared to the film that eventually got made. People make a big deal about the ending — but I actually credit Spielberg and Jon Cohen (who did the re-write) for rescuing something out of what was essentially an un-filmable

All I gotta say is: Denzel was pretty badass in that motherfuckin clip.

Or Meet the Fockers?


I remember the Norm show being funny mainly cause Norm looked stoned/ half-conscious through the majority of most episodes. Also cause Laurie Metcalf is great at acting really annoyed. Part from that, I don't think there was much to it.

Tales of the Golden Monkey? Okay. But I'm really gonna get excited when Shout! reissues Legends of the Hidden Temple.