Dallben Folds Trip Fives

Yeah, I've never gotten too worked up either way. Dogma had laugh-out-loud moments. Chasing Amy had snort-derisively-out-loud moments mixed in with some decent bits. Everything else I've been sort of lukewarm about, with the exception of Zack & Miri which really disappointed me.

Agreed. Those look ridiculous. First off, I doubt very much that anyone can properly identify a "rust" colored handkerchief. Second of all, if anyone can, it's certainly not that girl on the subway with the horse blinkers and leathery stirrups leashed to her topless upper torso.

I think I'm getting soft in my not-yet-old age, because I can't always muster up the hate to keep hating on something I've already hated on before. Try though I might. Maybe I'm just not professional enough.

I was curious about the Faltermeyer score. Anyone know if it's all vintage synth-y like Axel F, or is it more in the modern Danny Elfman action-comedy vein? I'm curious, but probably not curious enough to see the movie for that reason.

I suppose they could've called the store "Athletic Cup Cakes". But then…. no.

Yeah, I'd see that. But if you replaced "hooka" with "hooker", I think you've got a real winner.

I thought he was talking about Methodist Missourians looking for a crucifix. Now THOSE are ooky!

*fans or detractors…

Hey, I don't approach Kevin Smith fans with any expectations of nuance.

All I can say is
I would like to end up with Kristen Stewart in the back of a vintage convertible.

Dear God, that scene. It made me love electrical tape forever.

*Sigh.* I wanted this to be good, and I had a tickly feeling it wouldn't.

I never really got hooked either. "In the Dumb & Dumber vein" was how I remembered it too, kjohnson. But maybe it deserves a second viewing…

There's a Blue Lagoon sequel? Crappity crap! I just IMDB'd it and wow: surely the word "masturbatory" has never been more apt as a description for a motion picture.

Dogville. Or Salo. But that was out of an urge to vomit out my spleen.

A Harvard Prof: Guess that's what an exception proving the rule looks like, huh?

No one else liked Nine Lives, huh? I… I don't know what to make of this. It was such a staggeringly beautiful movie. Plus, I have opinions that need validation.

Alice in Wonderland: a plain girl goes on a wondrous journey to another dimension and rediscovers the power of wonder.

The way his role was written on that show was an extended joke about his looks. The punchline being that in the cutthroat world of high-priced civil law, potential dork James Spader is ten times more of a badass than Malibu Ken Mark Valley.

Heh. Sorry for hitting. Nothing but pent-up Hassle-rage. Would you like to read one of my comic books as restitution? I have Creepy Comics #2 and Archie Comics #113. You can see one or the other, but not both.