Dallben Folds Trip Fives

The ouroboros is the snake that eats itself.

True, if ever there was a Captain America shoo-in, it was Mark Valley. I didn't read enough of the original comics to know how old he's supposed to be. But a documentary I was just watching on the origin of various comics showed Jack Kirby reading panels from the issue where Captain America gets his name, and I can

*Horses whinny in the distance*

Oh yeah, Sugartits? *WHAM!*

Well for starters, the Superman franchise can only go in one direction. (Not a firstie attempt.)

Dr. Robuttnik — yeah, exactly. It ain't pretty, but that's Hollywood nowadays, for better or worse.

I gotta say, I'm cautiously optimistic. Looks fun & stupid. I like that they lampshaded the whole "Jedi/Yoda" dynamic.

Well, I just disagree, Lovecraft! I just disagree!

The Box was a mangled monstrosity from the get-go.

Raymond Luxury-Yacht, that cracked me up.

Yep, RedEye was great until they got off the plane at Act II's end. Flightplan, similarly, until Peter Sarsgaard's (SPOILERS?) breakdown.

'sides, when I was a retarded glasses-wearing baby, people used to kick me all the time.

I don't like kicking babies with glasses either but you lost me somewhere in your third paragraph. Wonder where that mighta been?

"Its the truth, it's actual,
Everything is quite satisfactory, indeed, thank you for inquiring."

Personally, I'm not offended so much by the casting of George Lopez specifically, more by the general idea that anyone could voice the Looney Tunes as well as the incomparably brilliant Mel Blanc.

Always seemed to me that if anything, Slowpoke Rodriguez was the more offensive stereotype. Speedy has those ridiculous quasi-Spanish catch-phrases, but he always outwits the all-American Sylvester. Slowpoke, on the other hand, plays into that "lazy" stereotype the Professor was talking about. All he ever does is

Anyone care to give me over/under for "Lost" pulling one of these on their series finale? (I don't follow the show that closely, before I get any hardcore fans t.o.'d. — so I'm asking.)

Say it ain't so!
This is disappointing. Nine Lives was one of the most beautifully acted movies of the last decade. Carefully, meticulously shot — the scene between Robin Wright and Jason Isaacs in the supermarket — all done in one take, I believe — FLOORED me. One of the most powerful movies scenes about ex-lovers

Weird, I have a picture just like that in my shed.

Clueless Neophyte, I'd watch an episode or two with ya. 'Course, it helps to watch it after you've read a particularly dense Dostoevsky passage, or re-proved Cantor's theorem or something. That way you have no illusions about what you're actually choosing to spend your time doing.