Dallben Folds Trip Fives

When nobody's looking at him, Seinfeld disappears.

Me neither. I don't want to objectify Joanna Newsom, but I want to objectify Joanna Newsom.

Pirates of the Carribean: Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Yeah, Wolfman, I suppose it's possible. But they both have a similar musical essence — a kind of skewed take on American folkloric music, that is earthy and transcendent at once. They're like musical brother & sister, to me. I figure, if you like Waits at his Waits-iest, you're gonna have a hard time disliking JN.

"Dear IRS, Please remove me from your mailing list."

Yeah, and it's like, "Oh great, another joke!" What am I supposed to do, laugh!?

How does this compare to Ys
in the scope of the arrangements on the more "elaborate" tracks? Any of the soaring lyricism of that album? Or is this one more contained, like her first album, even on the more fully arranged tracks?

Oh right, just got that wasn't a legitimate question. Well, fuck, I don't care, I gave you a legitimate answer. So there.

It's not that weird if you've ever heard any German art-music chanteuses. But the best way I can describe it is this:

…Angela Lansbury when she was young, which is to say, a youthful woman already incredibly old.

The mere fact that you called your post that tell me you're not ready for Aziz Ansari.

Other rappers dis me,
Say my rhymes are sissy,
Why? Why? What? Why?
Be more constructive with your feedback.

No, just to GB's face, would do fine.

I dunno, Rimmer, I'm thinking more like Jeff Ballard or Billy Kilson, if we're looking to fill the position with an overqualified applicant. Maybe Weckl too, but he'd probably make it too frilly.

(By the way, I mean that the Studio 60 version wouldn't be funny, not Amelie's last paragraph.)

Now *that's* a great idea. Maybe Larry the Cable Guy could be a part of it?

I know, right? What a way to squander what little goodwill you managed to earn.

Right, minus the funny.


You know what bit would really jazz up Wanda Sykes's act?