
Hey, any of you guys read American Psycho?

How about the space cop genre? Like Outland, or that show Space Precinct (which may have been the greatest thing ever, really)

I bet you'd love a little genre of music called "Barbershop"

I usually get about 10% into any alternative history story/movie/whatever before saying, "wait a minute, it never would have happened this way."

Also, any 70s song in general trying to convince their baby to take them back. And there's a lot of them, because of all the free love and cocaine back then.

Equally good are any songs by bombastic 70s-80s supergroups about how tough life on the road is, and how they can't wait to get back into their baby's arms.

I asked for this, sorry. I saved a seagull trapped in one of those plastic 6 pack rings and he gave me three wishes.

Don't tell me if you weren't in the position to wax blowhard for a weekend to a group of people willing to pay you $1500 for the experience you wouldn't do it.

Me thinks you'll be a big fan soon with the forthcoming "Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans"

Not quite as good but still fucking great.

Wow, that's like eight years of super-expensive schools plus two or three as a hospital intern just to end up a hooker?

They should get Courtney Thorne Smith to join, and then quit.

Are you confusing her with Heather Thomas?

I'm more than willing to admit I guessed wrong.

Yeah, but he adapted it from a book he wrote.

With a name as fucking Godawful as Smuckers, it must be the best fucking jelly in the world.

I don't blame him.. He probably just wants to write, not sit there talking blowhardily about "the process."

I'm going to land somewhere in the middle, which is that it's perfectly fine to like Jerry McGuire, but it is very suspect to write an article telling the world about it.

He did write Fast Times which should garner him a lifetime pass.

Love this bit: Hank Kingsley and Gene Siskel discuss the Crying Game