Tilden Katz

Dammit Bobby

He once held his brothers head in a fireā€¦.at a party.

Jamie Lanister was a patsy, Ned Stark killed Aerys Targaryn with a spear thrown from the grassy knoll.

Madness? This is the Vale of Aryn!

Bloodless coup, all smotherings.

I have a crush on every boy

I think you guys may be to used to the cheap mass produced clothing of our time, a coat was probably really expensive.

So back then you could just write a letter to a woman proposing marriage?

Long sleeve Artie shirt

Ah, free air.

It's a good ship, but it's not the Enterprise.

I'm a dude in my mid tewnties, and I watched Downton instead of the super bowl.

Are Mary and Branson going to be a thing? I mean, come on, both of them driving off in a car, while both of their kids are pushed in baby carriages next to each other, that has to be some foreshadowing.

"But she deserved to die, Mrs.Patmoe"

I would rank that quite a bit higher than "ouija board ghost messages" plot point.

The 1920's version of texting while driving.

I've seen live Twitch feeds with more viewers than this dudes snuff film feed.

I can't feel bad for someone who paid off a house.

"Mom, what makes that whore the skanky one?"

"Those other deer lame and you know it now"