Tilden Katz

Counter point: I had to google her just to see who the hell you all were talking about.


Haley's line about "I haven't seen you since high school" doesn't seem like something someone who graduated only a year ago would say.

"He's scared of girls" at the end of Bar Mitzva Boy was played perfectly, if you ask me.

Reposted "Life + Times" Comments

Best part of Trials and Tribbleations is the five seconds of exposition at the end where it's explained that Kira consulted with the orb and they went home.

I did the same, except I don't have a wife.

They do this to me because I tri-delt.

I'm going with "Last Clear Chance".

I was in kindergarten. We were getting cable TV for the first time and I got to have the day off to watch it. From what I remember the first thing to pop on screen was "The Painted Hills". At five years old it was the funniest thing I had ever seen and I've been hooked for the past 20 odd years.

I've seen the one where an entire city catches on fire. Inferno? Maybe.

She's drunk. It's Funny!

Is this your first time?

The Plymouth (whatever). The car that thinks it's a house.

The only one I've ever seen out in the wild is Tormented.


Imagine, a kid like me breaking into crime.

I though this was a write up about the Arcade Fire song.

There's an awful lot of bridges and water for it to be LA.

A female inspector, what do you know.