Tilden Katz

What I really liked about this was the bit where Hartnell knew what all the switches did, and how to make the console work, and how it should operate as if he really was The Doctor.

Dream Lord was in Amy's Choice.

"I still support the railing system!"

28 Reasons Why Staying at Home, Alone, on a Friday Night is Great!

I remember talk about giving Halle Berry's spy character her own stand alone film.

Die Another Day has to be the worst. Invisible cars, ice palaces, North Korean super-scientists, a failed attempt at a spin off franchise.


Is that what you boys in SMERSH are saying these days?

Here I was pissed because I didn't see Detroit on the list.

In middle school our parody version was "Banging on your grandma"

I use "why do we have to cut theses things so damn close" from III on occasion.

Now that I'm thinking about it Part II was really dark

I like that 1985A is essentially modern day Detroit. A really nice casino surrounded by urban blight and abandoned libraries.

I'm with you guys, Part 3 is the better movie of the two, though I could live without the time train at the end.

What the hell else is there to watch on Sunday's in January?


Do they even know it's christmas?


And though Chvrches walks through the valley of the shadow of Laurel Canyon, they are not afraid, for Dawes is with them.

I'm really glad my pre-order of an unheard album back in July turned out to be a good move.