Tilden Katz


Why does everyone on here assume Sally is going to get lost to the counter culture? If anything she'll be wearing big shouldered lady suits to her office job in mid-town come 1985.

Hey Ignatiy, how'd you get so pregnant?

I would watch the hell out of that movie.

The A.V. Club has it's very own pony thread simulator? Neat.

Chronicles of redic

where you keep what you kill

The most eye rolling moment was when Freeman's wife tried to knock down the lamppost her brothers were hung on during the draft riots, and like thirty black people show up out of nowhere to help her. Because everyone hates that damn gas lamp as much as she does.

The superior version of Miami 2017 is from the post 9/11 tribute concert, IMO

Is there supposed to be a narrative arc on Copper this season? because I'm not picking up on it if there is one. They keep starting stuff that seems like it could last awhile or have the potential to be a big bad, but nope just gets dropped or resolved a few episodes later.

Brunette might just work better for her.

It's okay grandma, it's just a costume.

That's like the best thing I've ever seen.

Thanks for stopping by, Mark Whalberg

I did not know that.

Care to make up some highlights of the conversation to embellish your story a bit?

Finally, a reason for Royal Oak not to suck.

I still refuse to believe that was an actual film. Do you personally know anyone who has ever seen it? Have you ever heard someone talk about that film in real life?  No?

I watch Copper every Sunday like clockwork. But Copper is good at nothing.

Dr. Masters: Miracle Day