Tilden Katz

Mom? Mom is that you?

She was buried with an elephant?

Implying anyone reads pitchfork outside of reviews that interest them.

It would be a good year to go and put some money on the Cubbies

Everything about that hotel suite in 1985A was pure, uncut 1980's.

I'd say they came close on the "down to the minute" weather predictions. I was just hearing about a new computer system NOAA is deploying that will "double" the accuracy of forecasts.

My local PBSes have been killing it that last couple of weeks with these random as hell documentaries that are just fantastic. I learned a ton about Japan's wars in China, the reign of Queen Victoria, and the first Indian war of independence (the siege of Cawnpore was some brutal shit).

Oh wow. I'm gonna hang on to it though.

Sorry dude, but that crosses some lines that are best left uncrossed.

It's not our fault that teenage girls suck

Clara, get back in the fucking TARDIS.

Pirate Planet would be worth a review.

Is there anything more masturbatory than a movie about movies?

Don't bother.

They've been biding their time, I guess.

I can't ever like JFK because an American History teacher in high school showed it and essentially said it was what really happened.

So is Marty in Back to the Future named after the movie Marty?

fucking butterflies

Part I remember the most is when he's in prison and looking to join a gang or something he starts talking about "kikes" and "spics". And the n-word might get dropped to to finish off the tri-fecta.

It faced backwards and smelled like exhaust, it was great.