Tilden Katz

Dr. Cody's secluded mountain shed.

Per Wikipedia's article on The Recession

Is that a grenade?

You're right, a one second clip of a small drawing of the pyramids has completely ruined the entire season.

Britta is a perfectly cromulent name.

Seriously, with namesakes like Sterling Archer and Roger Sterling, Sterling is like the manliest name ever.

He has a hard-on for the Sino-Indian War, don't be such a fucking racist.

"And I won't be getting hard todaaa-ay-ay-ay"

Do you even Thrones, bro?

Tilden would have been a great president

We learned about Aemon Targaryn back when Jon wanted to go join Robb "King in the North" Stark. Duh.

Yearbooks were always handed out during Homecoming week for us, so going to college 500 miles away I didn't get mine until the week of Thanksgiving.

[Rains of Castimere played backward]
"The Wall"
"The Wall"
[swords clashing together]
"The Wall"

Where's the death certificate?

So, maybe I'm misreading this, but is it supposed to be implied that Sansa gave up her virtue to Littlefiinger? Hence the 'transformation' into a woman?

"When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk"

Now butter your bacon!

"Greetings from Michigan: The Great Lakes State" or GTFO

The Mountain will just keep regenerating, it'll be a long fight.

Sanction us, sanctions us with your army,