Tilden Katz

There is nothing wrong with Big Pimpin'.

I was Robin from the 60's TV series in kindergarten around the time Batman Returns came out

Unrelated, but Catalina Caper was on TCM this morning.

Did ya' fly very far?

Wait, Allison Brie raps now?

What does hug me rhyme with?

Smokin' Aces wasn't bad. it fit in well with the outlandish action movies from  that era.

She's a blast in a glass.

The more you know.

Maybe it's that thing that actresses do sometimes where their eyes dart about while talking.

I'd scheme him out of a nickel.

Well….Khan was an outsider of sorts from the other Asians at the country club he wanted to join so bad, perhaps because he was a different ethnicity?

Not Lenny.

Spaghetti to a WOP

I've never seen a Mickey Mouse cartoon. There's a whole multi-billion dollar business built up around them, but I've never seen one. This would explain why.

Whats the over / under on those being what he named his kids?

I'd like a link, please.

Thanks, aging demographic.

A bar?