Tilden Katz

Allah-u akbar, throw him some hot cars.

What else are you going to watch on a Sunday night in the summer?

There was one in the comments last week. No, I'm not not going to find it.

I know I'll be switching over next weekend

I too have accepted Yeesus into my heart.

What up Detroit

"A ten story office building, this must be Los Angeles!"

Can I sing a negro spiritual real quick?

Paint my muscle car prune color, please.

Just when America needed it the most.

Robot from the future.

The anti-drug movie where everyone is clearly high on cocaine.

Welcome to Martin's, what up?

Ah, to be young and cynical again.

2 Wolf 2 Wall Street

But there are generic things to be outraged over!

We're supposed to read "not one bit" like the Joker, right? Because I did.

Never cared for Overdrawn.

Walking on, walking on, walking on broken glass.

The Mt.Rushmore of ugly.