
I skeet in your mom's ulrich

I gotta get me one of these!!

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rOTK was poorly edited, and I'm not even talking about the 8 endings. At times it felt like it was just racing through the plot to get somewhere, leading to the deletion of some scenes that could have been really cool (esp. Gandalf's confrontation with the Witch King). At other times it lingered overlong on

What's the deal with airline food?

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where the wild things are is excruciatingly bad. Snoozefest from jump street. Bleh.

Can't go wrong with either; one of them should be on the list

I see a curious absence of White Chicks

Fellowship would be a better choice than TT. I thought it moved much better, had a final battle that I would argue was better constructed than Helm's Deep, and the acting performances seemed real, while in the last two movies the characters seemed somehow false.
As for Helm's Deep, I'm not a huge fan of CGI

This list sucks major donkey cock


Yes yes yes on Apocalypto, one of my new favorites. Jaguar fuckin' Paw. AVC should do a "top bad-asses in film in the '00s" and JP would be right there. Along with Liam Neeson in Taken, and Viggo in Eastern Promises/History of Violence/LOTR.

In Snatch, the scene where Statham and his butt-buddy have to bet against Pitt while Tyrone is tracked down by Brick Top is really good. Actually, just about any scene with Brick Top is high entertainment.

Good call on Minority Report; I really enjoyed that entire film. For 28 Days, the scene when Brendon Gleeson gets the blood drop in the eye is very powerful. And though I very rarely champion two Tom Cruise movies at once, I thought just about any scene from Collateral could be worth a mention in this article.

Yes times a thousand for all of the above. Viggo and Cronenberg made two fucking AMAZING movies there.

Fuck the prequels. Fuck that final scene. Fuck George Lucas. And lastly: Fuck you all.

I've never seen Mulholland Drive and I know nothing about it. Every time someone mentions being freaked by "the winkies scene" just confuses the fuck out of me. WHAT THE FUCK IS A WINKIE?

Gotta agree with the detractors of shaky-cam. It wrecks the scene in my opinion. In order to be thrilled and entertained by a stunt I have to be able to actually SEE the stunt.

Nuchousu, correct, that is fucking great. I love the Onion.