
I've been playing Ori & the Blind Forest on Steam, but it crashes every time it gets to a cutscene that it's virtually unplayable now. I don't have this issue with any other games, and it seems like the only other people experiencing crashes are on X1. So… I don't know what to do! Tried deleting appcaches and

Yeah, that's definitely the other big tear-jerker. There's also that Season 1 episode where one of JD's patients wants to die, but he struggles to accept it. I love that scene where she hugs him; it's so sweet but always get me.

I remember when that episode first aired, and literally shaking with anticipation for that scene. It was so weird. And naturally, GoT managed to shock me even more than I expected. Those silent credits… can't think of a bigger mic drop in television.

I was a weeping mess after Scrubs' "My Screw Up". The ending seems so obvious on reflection, but it's worked so you just don't accept until Dr. Cox does as well. So yeah, as much as I think that episode is easily one of Scrubs' best, it's hard for me to rewatch.

I remember playing the Open Beta back in 2006, and the big challenge was to reach Rivendell unaided. It felt like such a huge accomplishment at the time, and seeing Rivendell Valley appear before me remains to be one of my fondest gaming experiences.

Mass Effect 2. While it's a continuation of ME1, it's still enough of a self-contained story that any newcomers should pick up the overarching plot, lore and characters pretty easily. The gameplay is a huge improvement over the original, the worlds are amazing, the story is quite intriguing and mysterious, and the

There can only be Garrus.

I only recently watched Only God Forgives, and I actually kind of liked it as well… I can definitely understand most of the criticisms against it, and I wouldn't be quick to call it a "good" movie, but I'll be damned if it didn't leave an impression. I find the sheer hatred for it a bit baffling.

I know I've read too many fan theories when that line instantly had me thinking "Dany marries Euron Greyjoy?".

I hope you enjoy TLoU - I've replayed that game at least four times now, and it's easily in my top 5 of all time (quality multiplayer included).

Oh look, The Mars Volta have a new song out.

So the MCC is my first foray into the Halo series. Well, I'd played some Halo 3 multiplayer years ago at a mate's house, but it wasn't enough for me to form an impression of it. I was pretty excited to finally sink some time into a beloved franchise, which I always had recommended to me.

Even though you're pretty sure the outcome will be fine and dandy, that docking scene is still one of the most tense cinema experiences for me all year. Even on subsequent viewings, I was still on the edge of my seat.

I don't think I'd ever call myself disappointed in anything that Burial releases, but Rival Dealers is probably my least favourite EP of his. I really like the title track, but the other two just didn't gel for me.

Cheers. I think I'll probably risk starting with Inquisition and just relying a bit on the codex to fill in the blanks - and if it's anything like Mass Effect's amazing lore, I know I'll spend a lot of time in there anyway!

Yeah, by the sounds of it it's not as bad as having ME3 as your entry point for the Mass Effect trilogy, but Inquisition can still be a bit jarring for us newcomers. I'm torn because I played the demo for DA: Origins way back when and hated it, but Inquisition has really caught my eye. I think maybe I'll just take the

Outside of Smash Bros, I've been playing Rayman Legends on the Wii U. It's hard to imagine that game without the use of the Gamepad, honestly. Great platformer!

I gotta admit, never really been a fan of Ice Cube, but I thought he was the standout in 22 Jump Street.

Yeah, I felt similar with Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. I definitely liked the game, but it never felt like the world-beater that critics made it out to be.

I fix myself some sandwiches and watch Bad Santa.