Lord Andre

You're right! This book about dragons and zombies is full of inconsistencies!

That was me! i said that! I stand by my hastily jotted thoughts which I jettisoned onto the internet like mental confetti!

Speaking as someone who wastes a huge amount of time on Reddit when I should be working, I find the concept of being "fired from Reddit" hilariously ironic.

Rest In Peace Mrs Columbo may feature the most elaborate Columbo trap ever in which he fakes his wife's death and even goes to the effort of putting on a fake funeral for her.

What a horrible mistake/accident!


Probably one of my favourite things about BaBr is despite how massive it became, it was still one of the most humble shows on television. Vince Gilligan has always played down his responsibility for the show, saying that it's very much a group effort, from the hivemind of the writer's room, to the performers on set,

Hi AV Club!

That last scene had me crying yet smiling. What an amazing show. Nothing else on right now which moves me so deeply.

"Tony is getting upset!"

Sing it, child!

It's a goddamn comedic tour de force, is what it is. It's the comedy equivalent of Hendrix setting fire to his guitar.


Well, Solverson is able to close the case without having to take drugs with neo-Nazi thugs and generally hold onto her sanity. So there's that.

"Rectify, Defiance, Dominion"

Well, that makes sense, doesn't it? The only way to stop a predator is to hunt it. it's a classic PacMan!

If nothing else, Fargo could said to be the better achievement for being a show based on a critically acclaimed, Oscar winning film and still managing to be its own thing. That we're having this conversation at all is pretty astounding to me.

I don't agree with you on the assessment of the performances in general, but the anguished "NOOOOOO!" during the viewing of the tape was pretty bad.

Leaving aside the nice chiastic storytelling we get from it (Gus walks away from Malvo in the first episode because of his love for his family and then that same love is what makes him pull the trigger) I think what Gus says before pulling the trigger also tells us a lot.

Rixty Minutes or Pancakes, Divorce, Pancakes? Genuinely a tough choice. Both came from inventive new comedies, both were hilarious and both were also bizarrely profound.