Lord Andre

Oh my gosh that was traumatising.

I think Michael Haneke is the only director who could fully capture the world of Funky Winkerbean in all its sadness, bleakness and creepiness.

I didn't hate the ending, but the last ten minutes are probably the most conventional parts of the film. I could kind of see where it was going, which I couldn't really say of the rest of the film. I think the important switching point is the decision she makes in the midpoint of the movie, which makes her seem more

Hi AV Club!

It definitely helps if you've read the book or watched the series.

The last thing Charlie Kaufman did was Synecdoche, New York.

"Yeah, even if you were jerking two at a time there are, what? 800 guys in that room so that's 400 times whatever the Mean Jerk Time is?"

Can't believe he didn't answer: "CHICKEN SANDWICH."


"I can't believe it. I fell in with the bad nuns."

He looks like a failed attempt to clone Guy Fieri.

Haven't seen the movie…. buuuuuuuuut the "psychic vision shit" (which I'm assuming refers to the opium fuelled visions which Johnny Depp's character has) are not in the book.

You were at the Neil Gaiman reading? Me too!

A belated happy birthday to you, America. And a tardy Independence day to you, AV Clubbers. Hope you all enjoyed your weekends. I spent the 4th, along with other Brits, gathering along the western coastlines for the ceremonial "Shaking of the Fist Across the Atlantic". I also managed to squeeze in some pop-culture

I think Kraftwerk were one of the big reasons as to why this happened.

It's not really hometown pride, but I went to the same University as Christopher Nolan and I have to admit that every time I watch one of his movies I feel a little bit of pride for my alma mater, none more so than when I recognised that certain scenes in The Dark Knight had been filmed in and around there.

One of my friends introduced me to this album while we were high as kites. He played me Regiment and calmly informed me who was responsible and what year it was made and blew my mind even further.

Well, I do believe it's time we all went MAD WITH POWER.

So long, Todd.

When you say it back to me like that I obviously agree with you because what I was trying to do was make a clever, facetious point which I hadn't anticipated you'd meet head on with logic.