Lord Andre

Their George RR Martin Blog was brilliant.

No I totally get it. In retrospect I didn't really need to initiate a conversation which I can easily wait a week for! I've taken the last paragraph out.

Yep. One of OITNB's major strengths is its almost limitless levels of empathy. It never lets its characters off the hook, but at the same time asks the viewer to consider the person as a whole rather than just focusing on their frailties.

I kept scrolling down but I felt my heart sink when I realized he wasn't going to include Hail To The Chimp!

Arya gave them the coin that was given to her by Jaquen J'ghar who is a Faceless Man. Braavos was also where her water dancing teacher Syrio Forel was from.

I think the worst part is the waiting for the result. I had to wait a couple of days before getting the ultrasound, and I remember the night before the scan sitting alone in my flat eating a pizza, watching n episode of Game of Thrones and wishing my mother was there.

By far the most awkward moment in the entire process was when he asked me the last time I'd had a sexual partner and I said, "It's been a while…" and then shortly afterwards apologized and asked me, "When was the last time you saw your semen, and did you notice any blood in it?" And I just said, "Last night." So

It is outstanding. Probably a toss-up between Fargo and Rick & Morty for my favourite new series this year.

I'd be lying if said it wasn't a bit of an ego boost.

Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that. That's awful.

I'd highly recommend seeing clips from Herring's "Hitler Moustache" show which I saw a couple of years ago and was brilliant. If you want to do some deep digging, try seeing some of their work from the days when they worked together. I particularly love their parody of shoddily produced educational shows, "Histor's

Very likely. Some of the material was an elaboration on a bit he'd previously done as part of his "Carpet Remnant World" show. I know that he'll be doing preview shows for the next series of Comedy Vehicle in December which I've already booked tickets for. I'm genuinely hoping he works in the "back to the audience,

Thank you.

When I first watched the film I was about 16 and I couldn't really work out what the film was doing. But on subsequent viewings I've become more and more impressed by the film's tricky tone. It's a film about extreme juxtapositions. The horror and bloodshed contrasting with the pleasant, sunny Minnesotan disposition,

Hi AV Club!

"Hello, is this President Clinton? Good! I figured if anyone knew where to get some Tang, it'd be you. …Shut up!"


Anytime Crow T Robot says SLEEEEEEP!


Mindtaker! ooooEEEEEEEooooo!