
He lost weight.
(inner voice: I'm a skilled observer and this is a relevant fact)

It has been renewed for Season 2.

Parvati said it best on Twitter: "I know they keep calling themselves game changers, but I'm not buying it yet"

Other honorable mentions would be:
- Jessica and Trish
- Amy, Rosa, and Gina
- Rizzoli and Isles
- Jess and Cece

The next time I screw up at work I'll remember Brian Cullinan, and feel better about myself.
And the next time my white male colleague screws up I'll remember Martha Ruiz and I will start packing my stuff.

Ok Emma Stone confirmed that she had the card, SHE HAD HER OWN CARD. SHE WAS HOLDING HER OWN WINNER CARD.

Ok Emma Stone confirmed that she had the card, SHE HAD HER OWN CARD. SHE WAS HOLDING HER OWN WINNER CARD.

Ok Emma Stone confirmed that she had the card, SHE HAD HER OWN CARD. SHE WAS HOLDING HER OWN WINNER CARD.

I hear that next year B. Cosby will be hosting the Oscars

Beatty could have asked her or anyone explicitly whether something was wrong. Though maybe that is too much to ask for and it is not really easy to do. It is not like I know what it feels to be on live tv.

I do believe Beatty throws Dunaway under the bus by giving her the envelope. He knew something was up and yet decided to move forward (which is fine, I guess), but he was like "you know what just in case let me ask Dunaway to read this"

Can you imagine if they had realized this mistake after the live show ends? At least something was done immediately and Moonlight got her chance to celebrate on the podium. So I guess this is still not the worst

Though I do believe Beatty throws Dunaway under the bus by giving her the envelope. He knew something was up and yet decided to move forward (which is fine, I guess), but he was like "you know what just in case let me ask Dunaway to read this"

I'm sick of seeing J Fallon and J Kimmel as hosts. They are on TV every week night, and they host these award shows by taking turns. They may be really nice guys, but they are not that funny, not always.

I would not mind if Kara stays single for a very very very long time. I mean it worked for Olivia Benson. We do not always need the main character to be in a relationship. I would rather see a strong female lead character all by herself.

I don't get the hate for Julianna Margulies. It is obvious that something happened between A. Panjabi and J. Margulies, but other than tons of gossip nobody really knows what happened. There is no factual indication that she is/was difficult to work with. That women worked in ER for 6 years, and in the Good Wife 7

Shirley, Casey, Brooke or Sheldon -> as long as the winner is one of them I'll be happy.

I like Casey, I've always liked her. She's a good chef, perhaps not the best, but she's good. She seems like a decent person, who is liked by her colleagues. And she has a healthy level of snarkiness (Unlike Kajitsu, who seems simply mean spirited).

So Winn has this incredible technology that allows James to fight against aliens. I do not understand why Winn does not use this technology and his skills to help Supergirl or to build tools for her to use. Winn's motivation to help James does not make sense.

"I do think the show is legitimately building to an Alex/Maggie romance (just look at Alex’s disappointment when she finds out Maggie has a girlfriend!), but I’ve now begun to read attraction into just about every same-sex pairing on this show. Lena and Kara? Yep. Mon-El and Winn? Totally. Mon-El and that blonde