
I would not implicitly assume that their family and friends are in the "bad place", just because they do not show up in the good one. I mean the population of the "good place" is smaller than the one of Brooklyn. I would like to think there are far more good people in the universe. Maybe there are multiple good

Seeing Adam Scott reminds me that I miss Parks and Rec.

I don't want to see a fight between two women over a man. I hope they will come up with a better story than that.

"Also technically wasn’t it Arizona that escalated their dispute into a full-on custody battle?"

Where is Judge Amy Madison Gray when you need her?

Should I tell them that I'm about to stand up and expect the same from them? Will that work?

Lawyers dramatically standing up before declaring "court" while talking on the phone… I'll do that from now on to my opponents and dream that they're also standing up.

I want Winston's sweaters too

The season finale is going to be a blood bath, I can feel it.

What's the point of going after April legally, story wise? Is it because Avery family wants the full physical and legal custody? Or is it because they don't want to pay child & spousal support? Or are they going to deny the child's right to the family money? From a real life point of view is there even a case? I mean

I like April very much. That character resonates with me (except her unconditional faith). When I think of April's first episodes what I see now is pretty amazing, she came a long way. I think there is an incredible amount of character development in the case of April. The character Jackson, on the other hand, has not

The primary reason why I loved this show so much was the friendship between Meredith and Cristina. When I think of it, Grey's Anatomy is one of the few shows that treated a friendship as the backbone of a show. I still love the show (it helps that I've always liked Meredith / Ellen Pompeo) but I'm so desperately

Am I allowed to miss Cristina and her friendship with Meredith? I think their relationship was more essential to the success of this show than any other

Also, didn't Peter eventually help Alicia by wasting Judge's time (or something like that)? Wasn't that guy acting on Peter's orders?

I have recurring nightmares about Kalinda's fate. Note to myself: "Calm down, calm down. It will all be okay".

What?! But why? That's creepy :)

Eww.. I didn't think about that. I take it back, I take it back, I take it back

The wallpaper on Peter's laptop, what a stunning picture of Julianna Margulies.

You know what would be amazing to watch? If only Conrad was Emily's real father…

So David Clarke is alive and he let his daughter to go on this path of revenge that caused her a lot of pain. It'd better be one gorgeous storytelling behind this twist, otherwise this show will become "Revenge against my own Father"