Mr. Belvedere

Does Visual Basic count for coding credits? I just learned it last summer and am hoping it qualifies me to graduate to Nerd status. I also spent the summer minoring in Doctor Who.

Just push through it you guys!

While ET was obviously a flop and a symbol for the decline of videogames I don't it makes sense to lay the blame on the game. From my understanding it had more to do with the craploads of shovelware that were being sold at considerable discount.

I owned Back to the Future. I had a sleepover where one of my friends finally beat it. The cheer our group let out was so loud it woke my parents up.

I've got to say that beating the NES Jaws game was both extremely satisfying and disappointing at the same time. Seeing the graphic of the plane fly off was just such a let down after struggling for so many hours.

Make sure to go back and listen to all of their old episodes too! I don't think there is a dud in the pack.

I also like The Satellite Dish with Justin and Sydney McElroy.

Shouldn't it be IRL and in Second Life?

Hobo Life- That's rather cruel to Mousehunt. Yeah it was slapstick, but in more of a Tex Avery old Looney Toons way.

I'm a 6 foot 6 inch tall pale half-Mexican.

I also saw 21 Jump Street over the weekend and during the NW promo could hear people talking about the bad timing/poor taste of it.

I'll endorse this as long as it means I can find the left over mini-nukes as I wander the DC wasteland in search of my father Liam Neason.

On Sunday I saw a girl with an intricate skull tatooed across her throat. It looked painful and I doubt even a turtle neck would fully cover it.

You forgot the high jumping kicks and out bursts of "Skee dop a dee doo bop!"

I can appreciate that it is possible for the more thoughtful and savy to control their image over the internet, but don't think that really applies to the majority of people out there. On the contrary there seems to be a true lack of understanding or ignorance that most people have about the permanence and

Looks down at blinking light in palm.

You're not really a teenager. Everybody knows that all 16 year olds read the NYTimes.

Weren't "trend" pieces from the NYTimes the subject of scorn on Hater posts?

Do they have foos ball? My local watering hole has a great shuffle board table, but no foos.

Clearly they plan to kill him to bring their bees back.