Poor man's wallpaper. Or is it crazy man's wallpaper?
Poor man's wallpaper. Or is it crazy man's wallpaper?
How many data? One po-data, two po-data, three po-data, four…..and so on, and so on.
Don't you mean the Kukla-Fran-and-Ollie Conventions?
Come ON! Freaking "spoiler alert", please. Have some freaking decency, huh?
And couples always wake up from a long night's sleep, and then get all up in each others faces and talk and kiss—without brushing their fucking teeth! EWWW! GROSS!!!!!!
When I was in the fifth grade, a girl told me that she took a vote of all the girls in our grade, and that it was decided that I was the 2nd best looking….and then she dropped the bomb that all the other guys tied for 1st place.
If the book ended like this, I'd ask for a refund.
Wait a minute….if I turn to page 73, am I going to discover that I've been reading Dianetics all along?
That would be the greatest event, ever.
Wait a minute…I'm confused. I thought they were now all about religion or something. Man, these guys confuse me…just like magnets.
Pussy Riot? How 'bout my Penis Protest?
I think its immature to tell people they can't act immature if they want. Now give me my damn bottle!
Spoiler Alert! Kevin is gay. And he's in a hamburger eating competition.
Greedo sleeps with the fishes…BECAUSE I SHOT FIRST, BITCH!
I don't think their approval rating has been above 15% since about the Civil War.
This time, the movie will be watching you.
Reduce, reuse, recycle, regurgitate.
You guys are all pronouncing it wrong. Its "ur-an-ass-ole". Get it?
Yeah…if you really think about it, this would look WAY better in CGI.
Huh, huh…I love that story.