
Should've known something was up. Should've known. As soon as I saw Braga and Taylor hunched over together with those smug little faces, it
should have dawned on me. But isn't it egotistical to think that people are talking about you all the time? And hadn't I cowed those two into
leaving me the hell alone? At the

I'm up for it if Jon is.

I just knew you were all in high school.

Only a Goth porn star would refer to her junk as "the emptiness."

I like the way you think.

Me too.

Poor Sabrina LeBeauf. I wonder how many times a day she's subjected to Bill Cosby impersonations. On our set, the answer was about fifty. You haven't seen funny until you've seen Frakes try to organize a three-way as Cosby. "Now, the first thing you need to understaaaaand is that the sexual act, it's a beautiful

Season seven didn't get off to a great start. I was refreshed from the break, but everybody had this, I don't know, malaise. Except Frakes. I told him he looked a little stouter and he shouted out "Feasting on the cherries of virgins," which, ew. Levar had put on a few himself, but he said he was involved in a

You know, TV's been good to me, but doing a movie makes everything else look like breakfast out of a dumpster. It's just a classier environment. You can smell the money involved.

Brent Spiner was always poring over books by Stanislavsky or
Lee Strasberg, or making charts about some new acting process. He had the
annoying habit of spouting off with quotes when he thought you could
"really reach" in a scene. I know he meant well, but… seriously,
shut up. Back in season one, he bothered the producers

Whoa. Apparently time is still slow…

Another week, another hot outfit. Because that's what you
wear to a jazz show, right? Ah well. At least I had some lines for two weeks
running. I think they were nervous that I'd start messing with DS9, so they
suddenly remembered I was in the cast.

Chasing the topah
Well, Braga was taking his new-found status as dick-about-town seriously, and he claimed it was restoring his creative juices. I don't think I've ever made the universal jack-off gesture so much in one week. But the guy turned out Frame of Mind, which ended up being pretty cool. I think they stuck

Yes, but I was supposed to be The Chick, so apparently that made it okay.

To their credit, the writers were trying to make 24th c. women look as professional and driven by higher ideals as possible. We were still in the heyday of PC, and guys were terrified of objectifying anybody, so they mostly veered to the other extreme. They weren't really mature enough yet to find a middle ground.

Different set of lessons
To clear something up from last week: "squared" just means you've been nailed in the nads. I don't know the etymology, but I've been using that one since school days.

Ugh, I still get leaflets from that commune.

I will never forget Mike Dorn when he saw the black outfit he was going to wear for Birthright. He started making these guttural noises and mumbling nonsense words. He grabbed the black suit and ran out of the room, checking to see if he was being followed. When it was time for him to shoot his scenes in the

I didn't have a lot of screen time in Tapestry. It was great treating Patrick like a nobody, though. I so badly wanted to call him Barclay. That's the problem with Q episodes—no one else gets to be funny. Back to normal for me, I guess. I was still on last week's high, so I didn't feel the need to chew out any

I would never force anyone to read these little Proustian fancies, nor expect everyone to like them. But it's best not to try to rein me in. (Frakes either. He can get pictures of you in about an hour.)