
This is one of those times when you're not sure you want your agent to call.

This kid. Wow. First thing to know about him: he was a starer. It doesn't always come across on-screen, what with that godawful gynecologist's-office colour palatte and lighting, but he had this penetrating gaze. No blinking. You couldn't look at him for more than five seconds or you'd be scared he'd read your soul's

… gimmick?

Shut up.

Dude, there are wigs and there are wigs. Have you ever had to wear a substandard wig? It’s like demons are copulating in our hair. The makeup department had these so-called exotic hairdressers who, I don’t even know, I think they escaped from some East Bloc country and Braga was paying them in McDonaldland Funbucks.

Biding my time, Lurky. Biding my time.

Looks like someone wants their tires slashed.

Is this still a sore point, Niner fans? Yeah, I snarked about Nana. That’s just how it was between us back then. What a prime slice of bitch she could be. Me? Well, you’d have to ask her.

Is this still a sore point, Niner fans? Yeah, I snarked about Nana. That’s just how it was between us back then. What a prime slice of bitch she could be. Me? Well, you’d have to ask her.

Well, I feel bad for leaving it so long, but I couldn't let this one pass without a final comment. It's sad, isn't it? I joined the AV Club in high dudgeon, needing to vent my spleen after all the Troi potshots, and now, thinking about All Good Things, I'm feeling all mushy.

I get a call at 3 AM one night. It's Frakes.

It was crazy – the more dreamlike the shows were getting, the more real the fear of unemployment was getting. At this point in the run, we were practically running out for auditions between takes.

Well, Sub Rosa set the crazy bar high, so the script for Masks was just, whatever. Temple in space. Sure. Just clear the copyright with Pink Floyd and it's all good.

Hello Rick. Nice to see you're doing well. It's been a long time. Family all right? Car still running?

I won't rehash my inadvertent and unfortunate role as, well, mother of Sub Rosa. Yeah, I still cringe. But come on, who'd have thought they'd go ahead with it? I figured calmer heads would prevail over summer break. When I saw it in the production schedule, I had to slap myself. By this time, they'd planned so much

Came close. If you'll remember, the road to my Starfleet uniform was painted with Braga's bloody balls.

Last week is a bit of a blur. Not because of the drink. Well, not totally. Still feeling a little jet-lagged from my business trip. Seems a Greek pharma company wanted me to do a series of commercials for something called Megafino. My agent was sketchy on the details, but, well, money's money. I just hoped it wasn't

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

I lucked out by having Majel come back. Someone had finally realized that she wasn't Blanche from The Golden Girls, so they actually managed to find a script that would suit her character, and that meant I got to ride the train. Now, wouldn't the show have been better if all of Troi's counseling was a trippy mind