
Wish I could remember this fondly, but…
Gates and I took a long lunch in the Paramount canteen one day and got to talking about our characters. She says, "You're on the bridge. I'm down in sick bay. You're the gentle, calming presence. I'm the bitch that argues with everyone and may or may not have a thing for the

Not… real?

Chain, pt. 2
God, were we jealous. Just about everybody was crowding around the set watching them shoot the torture scenes. I mean, Frank and Jeri brought out their gold, and Patrick rode it hard and put it away wet.

The one where I got a uniform
I had to fight for that costume change. Literally.

Take the bad with the good…
Never. Work. With. Children. Especially not tweens. A bigger pile of brats you never saw. And their parents were worse, walking around the studio like they owned it, hassling everybody about how their kid should be lit, demanding carob for the dressing rooms or Dr. Pepper from the original

A word about curried goat:

Jonny, didn't you have your old timey hat from "True Q" at your birthday party that year? Or did you swipe one of Guinan's hats? I don't remember a lot from that night, but there was a hat involved.

It was fun, I guess. We'd get bored on set, so during the holodeck scene, we all started improvising. "There was a round platform… high… with men in red pants… carrying sousaphones… and an enormous stack of dolphins… no, they were porpoises… and the sousaphones each had an eyeball… I'VE BEEN IN THIS ROOM

You're all too kind. This is quickly becoming a blast.

Preach, brothers and sisters.

Ah, Doohan. When he found out I was English, he taught me three new verses of "The Butcher & The Chambermaid." Later, he handed me a napkin with a sketch he'd made of me (embellished in certain areas). He could also fart on cue.

Hey, Jon. We sure had some fun back then, didn't we? You healed nicely, as I remember.

No challenge here. I seek peaceful coexistence.

Man of the people
Oh yeah, hard to forget this one. The gold standard of Trek, no? I'd been complaining for three bloody years that they were giving me shit stories and treating me like a Greek chorus in a unitard. This was their idea of "expanding my involvement."