Mine has a cat on it, though I'd describe it as more like a lynx or bobcat than cute, so it must not be the same one. But yeah, it also only gets worn in public in certain situations.
Mine has a cat on it, though I'd describe it as more like a lynx or bobcat than cute, so it must not be the same one. But yeah, it also only gets worn in public in certain situations.
Awesome. So why didn't the AVC review the new album, which is out today?
I lost all interest in watching past the first season after they killed off Corey Stoll's character. After hearing that Mara was killed at the beginning of season 2, it seemed like I'd made the right choice.
Since, no one else has mentioned it yet, I'll pour one out in memory of Ellsworth's murder on Deadwood. Just heartbreaking.
The new album is fantastic. They played it start to finish at a pre-release hometown show last Friday, and it kills live. They also might have had copies for sale at the merch booth a week before the release, but I won't confirm that. ;)
I love Morricone, but Jóhannsson's score seemed a lot more vital to Sicario than Morricone's did in The Hateful Eight.
Good to know, thanks. I always skipped the TI feature.
Book thread at TI?
I like them as audio books, though I suppose your mileage would depend on how you feel about her voice (doesn't bother me but I've heard some don't care for her). Just recently listened to the Lafayette one and it was good.
Yeah, drives me crazy how all the headlines are framing the situation as him using the attacks to promote a pro-gun agenda, when it was the interviewer who brought it up, not Hughes, who clearly was hesitant to get into the topic. Combine that with the fact that the question came near the end of a nearly-20 minute…
According to Wikipedia, there is a new episode called "Home Again", so take that for whatever it's worth:
Yeah, I think we might be in the minority, but I completely agree that Morgan 2.0 is just awful (and that's saying something in a show with a number of bad characters).
Well Porter was officially fined, so yeah, he shouldn't have been there.
Don't listen to them, it's delicious (says a biased Cincinnatian).
To which I'd argue in this case, really, we're saying he lowered his chin into Shazier's helmet? Okay then. But I don't buy that, either.
Completely agree there.
It was illegal. You're correct, it wasn't illegal under the "defenseless receiver" rule, but it was illegal under the "Initiating Contact with the Crown of the Helmet" rule:
Darn right it was a penalty: