I'd guess that far more people are familiar with QOTSA than Screaming Trees. I love them both (and Lanegan's solo work).
I'd guess that far more people are familiar with QOTSA than Screaming Trees. I love them both (and Lanegan's solo work).
Haven't checked in here in awhile. I am most of the way through Barbara Tuchman's A Distant Mirror, but I've put it on hold for the past couple weeks while I read some other things.
Yeah, DJ banter was the worst.
I'm from and live in Cincinnati, and I have no idea what song they play during the 7th inning stretch at Reds games. But I second no "Cleveland Rocks".
Dewey Crowe would have also worked well in this list.
Me too. Apparently it was also the name of a settlement in California at one point (thanks, Wikipedia!):
I don't think it will get lower than a B+, and that probably would have happened already during some of these early setting-the-stage episodes. From here on out, it's likely As and A-s unless it seriously falls apart.
I like Where I'm Calling From because it gives me the best of both worlds!
That sounds horrible. When I saw him four years ago, there was also an obnoxious drunk guy in the crowd. While he didn't heckle Oldham and Co., he constantly yelled to them in between songs, and drunkenly sang along loudly—most notably during "I See A Darkness", where he would shout-sing each line right before…
I don't understand Josh Modell's comments about Will Oldham and would like to hear them fleshed out a little more. I get that he has come across as slightly abrasive at times in interviews, and isn't the most open about his life, but is that it? Lot's of artists/celebrities are that way.
Puzzling? His character in Manhattan was dating a 17-year old.
I watch "No Country" at least once a year, and I think it holds up great. Still one of my favorite movies ever.
Well now you're making me think twice about those unread copies of "Lord Jim" and "The Secret Agent" sitting on my desk…
I read "Androids" recently and liked a lot of the same bits you did. Still need to get around to my post-reading re-watch of Blade Runner, though.
Been reading A Distant Mirror for the last few months, and I'm really enjoying it. It covers a huge range of medieval topics. I wasn't aware of any of these possible controversies regarding some of her sources, but I find it very engrossing.
Still working my way through Barbara Tuchman's A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century.
@pepperpepperandbayleaf:disqus I also thought like @avclub-e56f3c7f583392a5b6796622b4e04cd8:disqus that Jesse was under the table looking up. His face didn't seem to have a "smooshed" look to it like it would if it was pressed against glass.
I think someone just ripped out the island that was there.
Yeah, I'm using the excuse that I woke up and watched the episode at 5am as the reason I didn't catch the Chekov reference there.