
This is more a recap of the last week:

It took a few listens for me to really get into the new Nick Cave album, but I'm really liking it now.  I've said before that I think a lot of folks will unjustly lump it in with Nocturama due to it's quiet nature, but there's a huge difference between those albums.  "Jubilee Street" and "Higgs Boson Blues" are the

Ed is dead.

I'm intrigued now because I live in Cincinnati.

You should check out the book of Dr. Seuss' WWII propaganda cartoons while you're at it.

@not_Bridget:disqus Okay cool, I'll still check it out sometime then.  Thanks!

"You drove a Hyundai to get here tonight; he drove a multi-billion dollar company."

Is it?  I guess it comes down to how bad the cliffhanger is versus how good the rest of the show is.

I was planning on starting this show soon, too.  Guess I won't bother if it ends with a big cliffhanger.

Only problem there is the inevitable NRA argument that Ted Nugent would still be alive if he hadn't be unarmed, so…

Yeah, I have a feeling that most negative reactions to the album are going to reference it as a throwback to Nocturama, which I don't think is very warranted.

I was underwhelmed by my first listen to the album, but once you you really sit down with it and dig into all the layers and textures it starts getting a lot better.  I think it's going to draw a lot of flak for being a quieter, slower album, though after four really rocking albums (Abattoir/Lyre, Lazarus, and the two

Finished reading The Maltese Falcon, which I really enjoyed.  This week I hope to finish Big Day Coming: Yo La Tengo and the Rise of Indie Rock.

I've only seen YLT once about four or five years ago, but it was a great show.  The band was in an extremely good mood and the whole thing was a blast.  Hope it's a good show for you.

Beasts of the Southern Wild - For all the hype, this movie was a pretty big let down.  The plot didn't really go anywhere, and was more surreal than I was expecting.  The little girl actress was pretty good, but otherwise I don't understand what the big deal was surrounding this movie.

Bingo.  Surprised to took this long to get mentioned.

Same here.

Good call there, that is excellent.

Yes, but it's usually Pablo Honey.

Child of God was good, but probably my least favorite of all the McCarthy books I've read.  It's a pretty quick read, though.  Definitely worth the time.