
@avclub-1982161d0fe636d1caabd47a2ac23e12:disqus You could read Horses and The Crossing in whichever order you want, but you need to read them both before Cities.


Far too often when I read about Elizabeth Olsen I think the article is talking about Elisabeth Moss.  I didn't realize my mistake this time until I got to the Martha Marcy May Marlene reference.

Same here.  While they are my two least favorite of the series, I liked them a lot more than most folks seemed to.  I could see them being a disappointment when you factor in the wait involved.  Which means the stakes have been raised for me with book six.

I don't know that I'd promise emotional devastation on the level of The Road or Blood Meridian, but it's certainly not filled with rainbows and unicorns.

"The Silversun Pickups are probably the only successful shoegaze band of
the modern era, and even they've moved toward a more eclectic,
genre-bending sound."

If you think that's depressing, just keep on reading the Border Trilogy.

I'm interested in reading that, but there a few of the shows (namely The Sopranos) that I haven't seen yet, but plan on watching this year.  Is it a good idea to wait to read the book until I've seen all the shows I want to see?

@avclub-48c0b3cf0c62e40eeff5a9b07a63d953:disqus You should definitely get around to reading the Border Trilogy as well.  I just finished Cities of the Plain a few weeks ago.

I recently finished reading The Big Short, Cities of the Plain, and Our Man in Havana.

I recently watched all of Justified in about a month's time, and season two was the best.  Season 3 was also great, and definitely still better than S1, so don't worry, you have a lot of great episodes to look forward to.

Only problem when I try to rank them is that it's been ages since I've seen some of them, and a number of them I've only seen once.  But if I had to guess, mine would be something like:

"more likeable Harbaugh brother" isn't really saying much, though.

Finished Michael Lewis' The Big Short which is about the 2008 financial collapse, and a handful of people who both saw it coming and ended up making a lot of money off of it.

Finished Michael Lewis' The Big Short which is about the 2008 financial collapse, and a handful of people who both saw it coming and ended up making a lot of money off of it.

A bunch of us here read The Sparrow last year, which I had never heard of before.  Going in blindly, it definitely wasn't what I expected, but I really liked it.

A bunch of us here read The Sparrow last year, which I had never heard of before.  Going in blindly, it definitely wasn't what I expected, but I really liked it.

Just started Big Day Coming this weekend.  I'm excited to get through it.

Just started Big Day Coming this weekend.  I'm excited to get through it.

Thanks for the advice.  I didn't think anyone would wade that deep into the comments to actually respond.