
Any giant piece of Russian literature (Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, etc.).

Definitely what @avclub-42763705844bf5e2af4abd6c898f8dcb:disqus said.  There is a dip in the middle, but it is still good, and gets great again the final two seasons.  Totally worth the time.

I've decided this is the year that I will watch the Sopranos, but I'm daunted over when to start watching with all of the currently-airing shows I'm committed to.

As I said above, I saw the Kenshin OVAs first, and I thought they were great.  I only ever watched a little of the show.  They seemed to hold up fine on their own to me.

I saw the Kenshin OVAs before I ever saw the show, and I loved the OVAs.  The show I gave up on after 12-14 episodes, but I still think the OVAs stand alone fine.

I'm far from an expert or fanatic of anime, but I can tell you the ways that I got into it:

Agreed.  While personally I think the first season is very good, it is also the worst (or, least great?) season of the show.

I've vowed that this is the year I will finally watch The Sopranos.  Somehow I feel find the time.

I'll just have to settle for blasting some Boris through my headphones while staying at the office, unfortunately.

That would be amazing.

Also, I'll throw one out there:  Sleater-Kinney?

@avclub-c099e468717d7f2501b9538dd6bdf97b:disqus I don't think you can include Nirvana in that group.  Sure, Novoselic and Grohl (and Smear) were smart not to carry on without Cobain, and they don't have a bad album, but I'd say there was plenty of unfilled potential before they were forced to break up.


I'm in the exact same boat.  The line in the sand has been drawn, and the Blu Rays were on the wrong side of it.

Nope, I'm just stalking you and trying to replicate your life.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus  Awesome, thanks for the recommendations.  I'll definitely check them out.

I know it's been out for awhile, but is Civ V enough of an improvement over IV to make it worth getting?

I usually say I prefer the first, although to be fair I haven't seen part II in years.  I'm really overdue for a re-watch.  Or two.

Man, her voice is unbelievable.  Hitting those notes in the studio is one thing, but you're exactly right, she is even better live.  Incredible talent.

Yeah I don't think I've seen any other Kobayashi films, although Samurai Rebellion is on my list.