
Awww, the Denver Broncos.

Bf (Packers fan) ended up drinking quite a bit during the 1st half, which ended up being hilarious. I've never seen him drunk before, and it's always nice to find out someone is basically the same person when drunk, just louder.

What'd you get that?

There's nothing more exciting than science. You get all the fun of sitting still, being quiet, writing down numbers, paying attention… Yes, science has it all.

Strap on your skates, Gordie, you're goin' in!

Well, they did just finish their 6th or 7th investigation that found no wrongdoing, and they are scheduled to do another one just in case.

Oops, you're right. He dropped out of that, too.

Ah, he's probably talking about my college. I feel so special!

Wait, are your parents still married? Because if so that must be awful for your dad.

Particularly dickish since Cosby couldn't even hack high school. He dropped out and got a GED later. Oh, and he never attended finished college (his degrees are honorary).

"the only chance for this story to proceed beyond these near-daily updates, the curdledPicture Pages that wallpaper the soul and blot out the light."

There's an ICON branded theater near me that has 21+ screenings, reserved seating, and serves beer. It's amazing.

She wouldn't have needed to know about the rape allegations to know that he's kind of a prick. Maybe she didn't want to call him because she didn't want to be subjected to one of his patented "pull your pants up" lectures.

The only actually annoying people I've seen in a theater were pretty young teenagers who talked a bit. It was a loud action movie (can't remember which one) so mostly we couldn't hear them. One firm "hey, be quiet" was enough when we could.

Or wait until the movie's been out for a couple of weeks.

I might find that plausible except that Julian Fellowes' positive opinion of the landed gentry and all of their actions is pretty well documented. Plus, if we're supposed to understand that the Grantham's are idiots in this regard, why does Branson (the Irish supposed-radical) seem to agree with them that the

I generally enjoy this show despite how much is politics irritate me, but I could not deal with it's treatment of Irish independence. The British were violently oppressing the Irish, and Grantham has a BSOD because some friend of his got their house burned down. Let me play the world's tiniest violin for temporarily

They're upperclass interwar Brits. Dry toast would be an improvement.

The world is also exceptionally quiet after midnight.

Since the children are 14 or 15, they've been sent off into the world to make their fortune.