Dr Jules

I agree with Josh. The words with altered meanings that I can recall off the top of my head - highway, shotgun, phone, zombie, cunt, keyboard - all avoid explanation of some tricky concepts for the children to understand.

Ted. It was Ted.

Kathryn Bigelow
What a night for her, but her second time at the mic almost veered into the territory of that Miss Teen USA "such as the Iraq" speech.

This article mostly made me realize that Sean O'Neal and I can't be friends anymore. He has failed me greatly with this one.

How is this kid gonna rebel against her father when she's in her teens?
I bet she'll love late Eric Clapton. Maybe go through a Simon and Garfunkel phase.

I read somewhere that he had six hesitation wounds, which are more shallow and less damaging, and three deep wounds. Hesitation wounds are common in these types of suicides, given that you're stabbing yourself, and all.

Way too much for me to handle
I only got through maybe ten minutes of this obnoxiousness last night, which wasn't long enough to see any actual cooking.

Not surprising
Yeah, Germans don't really get American humor. I had a sarcastic German boyfriend once who was deeply misunderstood by his homeland.

Sadly, I think this every time.

No, Betty was at the table with a glass of wine and the box, waiting to confront Don. Next shot is Don opening Suzanne's door. It was a sweet misdirection, though.


I am doing my happy dance while thinking of "Epitaph Two."

Seriously, Nathan: please answer the question. I feel like you'd have a good deal to say on the subject.

That's what you get on the AV Club boards when you don't actually go into your dvr and rewatch something.

"Now I know you all have thousands of questions…"

At this stage of the game, there's usually more than one real clunker of a dish per round, so to catch the judges' attention you have to (a) make bad dishes repeatedly, and yet be well aware and able to articulate how things went awry or (b) make one bad dish, then have no clue that it was a bad dish and defend it in

We'd all like to flee to the Cleve.

I, too, was extremely thrown off by the replacement of Padma. How could she possibly be otherwise engaged? Too busy spending her sweet, sweet Salman Rushdie divorce money? I am well aware that Padma is skinny (she reminds me of a cricket with all of her stick-thin limbs), but Kelly has that oversized anorexic head.

I've especially loved to read the several reviews here at the end of the season … I feel you've tipped your write-ups more toward analysis in lieu of summary, and they've been the best so far.