Dr Jules

"Move On Up" was the intro song for our wedding party at the reception this past weekend. And now I must go and dig into more of Mayfield's anthology. Damn, this is a great song and great article.

I completely missed the divorce reference, though I did notice while idly watching a preview for the show that she didn't have a wedding bad, which struck me as odd. And then it struck me as odd that apparently politicians have a default setting of married, according to me.

Yeah, GRRM has given them an outline, and they do know how the series ends. Which makes me second guess certain things that I consider true or anticipate coming to pass in future books … I mean, if they don't *need* to introduce the Reeds, are they as significant to GRRM's endgame as I thought they were? I don't know.

Well good. I picked up on the same thing, @avclub-d7e62bf7b966da27d8e09545a1165616:disqus, and I was hoping the writers weren't fucking with the Many-Faced God plotline. The focus on the many religions and perceived holy wars of Westeros/Essos is so important to the books.

I lost my mind laughing the first time I heard Segel's character say, "I came here to murder you."

Hrm. This is being marketed as such a typical romantic comedy that I kind of forgot I wanted to see it based on the cast.

Looked like an apple to me.

That is a truly epic lede.

The whole piece is such a moving tribute to Helms. Excellent work.

Fuck off, seriously. Not funny.

Those people were at my screening and walked out. It was really funny to see how angry they were, actually.

"I’m in charge now. I speak for this family. I mean… I could if you
wanted me to. I’d rather not, obviously. Don’t know what I’d say. Why
do I have to be the one? I don’t need this. Why does this have to
become my problem? No, I’m out. Forget it. Find somebody else. I’m
sick of it. I’m sick of doing

Great, great cover. I had forgotten about this one.

I'm with you, @avclub-85cd24fe4958c0e60ebb15ec40c96977:disqus . Paid money for Naked Baby Photos. Gave up on Ben after Songs for Silverman thoroughly disappointed me. Still love the Ben Folds Live album and some of the EP stuff he did solo, but it just isn't as fun and spontaneous as the BFF stuff.

*artistic differences

Love the shit out of the piano solo in "Don't change your plans." That song was an obsession for me in late high school.

Yeah, that song is good, but I feel uncomfortable liking it, let alone singing along.



The straight-up awesome of this firstie cannot be denied.