Dr Jules

Yeah, I watched the Julie Andrews one and the Lesley Ann Warren one all the time as a kid. And then enjoyed the re-remake far too much.

We missed our appointment by an hour and a day.

Count me in among the people who enjoyed the updated R&H's Cinderella too much. Considering that it starred Brandy. Yeesh. The music is just so good.

Hey Omar Little,

mmm Beer Lao. Also, the Asia Pacific version of Heineken is good.

But I love that his moment of glory - saying "I know karate." - was immediately undercut by the fistful of gummi worms shoved into his maw.

Oh, my god. I love the "sweet sassy molassy" sketch.

You take Sacha, and I'll take his lovely wife. Deal? Deal.

Reminds me of that episode of The Office where Ryan starts a fire.

Seconded. Bad form, Juggernaut.

Wow, just reading that line about Mugatu jogging made me laugh out loud. I love Zoolander, perhaps more than I should.

I feel like I subconsciously gave Christopher Walken a lifetime pass at some point. and he's been busy for the last decade or so trying to see if I'll rescind it under duress. Balls of Fury? Goddamn.

I listened to Loveline throughout middle school. Adam Carolla's rants plus Dr. Drew equals awesome radio and a twelve-year-old with extensive knowledge of contraceptives and Plan B. I agree, he hasn't done anything fantastic enough to warrant pass-giving, but I will defend him vehemently. The guy was hilarious on

I don't think he was doing the sunglasses and porkpie thing yet when he first went to meet Tuco, dygitalninja. I remember the flash-forward at the beginning of that episode, where he was walking out with the blood-stained money bag with a shaved head (our first glimpse at him with a bald head, I think) and his regular

I kinda think Tuco was in with the cartel somehow, ZMF. He had a badass gangster uncle, and he wanted to bring Walt to Mexico to take over that market with Walt's meth. I don't think you try to take over the Mexican meth market without connections to the cartel, especially if you're Tuco and know more about the

Maybe Donna was being undercover witty, what with all of the atomic references we got in this episode, but it's definitely hand grenades in the saying. Alliteration ftw.

I devoured all of Dahl's books as a kid. The BFG is probably my fave.

I'm with Angel's Advocate on this one. In retrospect, I do appreciate the exposure to the Bible that I got along with my Catholic upbringing (the CCD and the Catholic rites, not so much). If you put aside the fact that the text is oft-used to justify evil behavior, there are some great stories in there with loads of

How dare you belittle the plight of the pregnant woman?!? And suggest "A Modest Proposal"? You, sir, have no heart.