ted pikul

"Yellow Peril Shenanigans"?

"Yellow Peril Shenanigans"?

"Regimen of Leap Year Babies"

"Regimen of Leap Year Babies"

Brad the Wet Sprocket.

Brad the Wet Sprocket.

Jennifer Aniston?

Jennifer Aniston?

Romney's death panels on the other hand will raise you from the dead three days later so you can backpack around the Southwest with Jesus.

Romney's death panels on the other hand will raise you from the dead three days later so you can backpack around the Southwest with Jesus.

Obama's death panels will kill you, THEN rape you, THEN abort the fetus, THEN increase middle-class taxes!

Obama's death panels will kill you, THEN rape you, THEN abort the fetus, THEN increase middle-class taxes!

That's a toughie. Patti Scialfa has no talent, while Rita Wilson can't seem to shut up about Greece. Who's worse?

That's a toughie. Patti Scialfa has no talent, while Rita Wilson can't seem to shut up about Greece. Who's worse?

I want half-assed rap, because I'm 'urban'.

I want half-assed rap, because I'm 'urban'.

That was over two hours of plain ol' silliness.

That was over two hours of plain ol' silliness.

Like losing it after running into an ex who's dating some totally hunky guy?

Like losing it after running into an ex who's dating some totally hunky guy?