Octopus Grabus

I can't wait to eat that monkey.

The jump cut from Billy agreeing to help McGarnagle to the chief's line is perfect.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my fondness for Burlap "Potato" Sack Guy from Marge and Homer's mandated parenting class:

Regardless of your larger point (which I basically agree with), you cannot reasonably equate the agency of children and adults in any situation, let alone an abusive environment. Kids don't "stay in abusive families." They have no choice. Adults do. That's not to diminish the difficulty an adult faces trying to escape

My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

To be precise, it's Neneh Cherry and The Thing who cover DBD (on the excellent "The Cherry Thing" record). Just wanted to make sure those guys get their props…

Yep, both better than SRTS.

"…plus a handful of live albums—the most essential being 1976’s The Song Remains The Same…"

And he's not on welfare.

I particularly like that she points at his crotch while saying that.

The LCD Soundsystem box was the Holy Grail here in Chicago.

I went to Dusty Groove, and the line was at least 100 people (likely more) when they opened at 8am. Crazy, but a good crowd, and the store handled it well. I picked up JBs, Sun Ra, Public Enemy (It Takes a Nation….) and the Dinosaur Jr singles box.

"Coming, Mumsy."

Bourgeois Pig on Fullerton.

Ms. Olsen briefly worked at a coffee shop here in Chicago, which instantly made her the indisputable, #1 all-time "Beautiful and Totally Unattainable Hipster-Coffee-Shop Girl." But agreed, her voice is even more lovely, and she's just great.

His generation sucks.

Oh, I think you know.

Yep. Killer.

Totally agree. So many great Asheton solos. "Dirt" absolutely slays me every time. As for shitty v. genius: I used to have an old Ritchie Blackmore interview where he said that Hendrix wasn't a great guitarist (in terms of skill), but he was a genius. I think that probably applies to a lot of my favorites.

HIghway Star mentioned above by knyne.