Octopus Grabus

And damn it if the one note solo in "Cinnamon Girl" isn't absolutely perfect for that song. Much like Bob Mould's one-noter at the end of "The Biggest Lie" off Zen Arcade, except the latter is 50x faster.

Good call on Highway Star. As mentioned above re Television/Verlaine, Blackmore's solos are designed to fit the song. He's a craftsman in that way: nothing terribly showy/wanky, just nicely constructed solos that manage to tear your head off nonetheless.

Gonna have to get used to it.

"Ingrained," I respectfully submit.

And the soundtrack during that dream sequence. Just so unsettling.

"Do you know what she did…?" In Burke's voice, to boot.

No, it's earlier. I believe it's when Kinderman shows up, and he's on the street, looking up at her window.

And if I'm not mistaken, Regan's supposed to be strapped to the bed at that point. At least that's how I've always seen it. Creepy as hell either way…

S.K.U.M., "Screaming at the Top of Our Lungs."

This is a rock concert, not a bleeding…splish-splash show.

"Rip and Destroy," and I couldn't understand why the crowd didn't like it better than the original.

I always assumed TV = "Transvestite," even though the song pre-dated that period in Iggy's, um, odyssey. But Lord Lucan called it: apparently, it was something the Ashetons' sister & her friends used to say, re a guy checking them out.

The Donovan song is called "Colours," and I couldn't agree more. There's a clip of the scene on YouTube.

On the sofa you weep, boo hoo hoo hoo.

On the sofa you weep, boo hoo hoo hoo.

Diamanda Galas is another effective force of that ilk.

They do the occasional midday Sunday show here in Chicago. Last time I saw one, Todd Trainer walked in with boxes of donuts and went around offering them to everyone. And yeah, they put on a great show.

Salt in wound.

I missed Joe Strummer in order to take an exam in grad school. What an idiot I was/am.

Really? I've seen him 5 or 6 times, never in a venue with seats (except for the Stooges reunion). Regardless, if you're a fan, don't miss him next time. He still brings it.