Larry King and Oprah

You watch waaaay too much TV.

Brace yourself: There's a possibility that a new season of this show will be, at best, a mild disappointment.

Yeah, subtle firsties like this are fine. People, if you're going to hate on annoying AV Club trends, how about hating on the loser shut-ins who post a hundred comments a day and are trying desperately hard to cultivate a little audience here and who won't just shut the fuck up already?

OK … you've officially crossed over from legit dislike of an annoying ad campaign to unwitting, creepy self-revelation.

AdBlock is for pansies. We'll take our Internet warts and all, thanks.

At first, the glut of advertising seemed like the network confidently pushing its best shot at a winner. But after weeks and weeks of those fucking ads, it started to seem more than a little desperate, like they were trying to force good will upon an obvious turd through sheer force of will (and marketing dollars).

A handful of people at the AV Club doesn't really mean "everyone", you know. Most other reviews were pretty dismissive of it.

Can we get VanDerWerff's take on this? We're wondering how he'd justify his inevitable B+. No doubt, via a hilariously ill-edited and misinformed 23-paragraph romp through the annals of sitcom history!

Ooo, coming out against "Rock You Like A Hurricane"! The balls on this guy!

Fucking hilarious article. You still got it, baby.

Haha, relatively young people who think 30 is approaching "over the hill" are so adorable!

We love that those seem to be dying out. Where we live, at least two gas stations that used to have them got rid of 'em.

Oh jesus christ, shut the fuck up already.

No, Sunglasses. You do.

So is your shtick.

If you care about this "news", even a little bit,
then you are fucking retarded

Upon seeing a comment that adds very little to a discussion on a message board, we usually go on a killing spree in some rainy midwestern city.

Wilco The Song, Part 2: There Will Be Parentheses

Yeah so Just a Nigga and Ancient Chinese Secret, the guys who are pretending to get all bent out of shape about women's rights, are also the two guys with the most racist usernames and avatars at the AV Club … what fun!