Dexter Who

Feels.  So. Many.

How about Zoidberg?

I'm talking about the first battle.  Not the one with Mance.  Based on the replies, I think we might see them set that battle up as the cliffhanger for the season.  The battle with Mance may in fact last multiple episodes, with Stannis arriving in episode 9.

If corpsing means "breaking", then my HBOgo paused to buffer right there.  It looked like Jack Gleeson was about to completely lose his shit.

It's an understandable mistake.  Stone Crows were one of the Mountain tribes of the Vale.

This.  A twenty years younger Morgan Freeman perhaps?

Daario shouldn't be very dark.  He's a Lannister after all…

It looks like we will get Jon's escape from the Wildlings in the next episode.  This might mean we'll get the first battle at the wall in the finale.  One last "you know nothing, Jon Snow"

I'm confused.  Is this the movie about the lead singer of a metal band, who hires an undercover cop to kill his wife?  And which part does Franco play?

Pretty sure that was Daario and some lady of questionable morals

Jaime telling Roose to give his regards to Robb made me very sad.

Yea, I'd really like to see the Jon(s) Umber and the Mighty Bear Ladies of Mormont.  The show makes it feel like Robb has lost the loyalty of every one of his men.

I believe I read somewhere that after writing the RW, George couldn't bring himself to even edit the chapter.  I don't think he wanted to relive that one.  Not to mention it's the scene that DB and Dan were most excited about making.

I always thought that was called "war paint"

Tywin really can loom over a scene.  I watched Gosford Park this week and saw just how tall Charles Dance really is.

Book 5+ Fan-Theory SPOILERS:

Well, that's just great. You hear that, Ed? Bears. Now you're putting the whole station in jeopardy.

Glad to see this still gets attention.  Pretty sure I rented this from a Blockbuster back when I got into Billy Shakes back in high school.

Not totally sure what to make of Arya's conversation with Melisandre, since I don't recall them ever meeting in the books.  However,

Rickon had lines!