Dexter Who

Is that Milhouse hanging out in the alley by the Android's Dungeon? Yikes, that's grim.

Ok. That line does feel a bit cringey. I still enjoy the track, and maybe it feels like Common was trying too hard there.

"Get em high like noon, or the moon

"Is that fucking Wayne?"
"Woah, woah, woah! The Holy Fucking Wayne!"

It could easily be that as well. I was picking up on the significance of showing us her actually checking the "No" box on the form. Seemed very deliberate, as if she was now able to check that box.

I'd been anxiously awaiting that grenade scene since they showed it in previews. That was a real disappointment. The rest of the episode was great, though.

I think there was an implication that she had been checking "yes" subconsciously for Question 121 all this time. Possibly out of guilt or some innate desire to believe it.

He quit Oz to go work on one of the Mummy movies, if I recall correctly.
You'd think he'd have learned his lesson after that one.

For once, I would love to see a Roman movie all in Latin. Or at least in English with an Italian accent.

You know, Fox turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually, I didn't even notice.

No American Hustle? Has it just not graced your eyeballs yet?


They didn't miss the suicide pact, they bailed on the idea of killing themselves. Hence the red juice stains on their t-shirts. They were (rightly) convinced that the spaceship behind the moon could beam them up.

Dr. Saperstein's lawyers are from the firm of Babip, Pecota, Vorp & Eckstein. That's a nicely placed obscure baseball statistics joke.

The poors really seem to love Seth MacFarlane

I like that Shia LaBeouf's face is all over the sidebar adds right now.

Wesley Snipes was GREAT in The Princess Diaries!

I thought the elevator scene had a good sense of humor to it. I'm excited for this.

Implied, Lisa? Or implode?

I don't think I ever want to read the phrase "sexually fluid" ever again. It just feels strange.