Dexter Who

I thought Troy "tore" both of his rotator cuffs when attempting that kegflip?  Was I wrong?

I haven't watched this episode yet, but I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about that picture.

"A man's gotta have a chain"

I guess this means there's still no Zoolander sequel?


As a fat kid there are really only two Sam moments I need.  Slayer and slayer (if ya know what I mean)

The only nit that I can pick is the lack of Sam the Slayer-ing.  It strikes me as being necessary to future plots involving the Others.  Maybe it will come up when we meet Coldhands.

I'm sure they will mention Beric's previous deaths.  He's clearly bearing the marks of several.  The eye was a death, he has a scar across his throat from either being hanged (hung?) or having his neck sliced open.  It's kind of key to the whole Red God thingy he has going on.

They've made a big point of showing him writing letters since he became hand.  He even had the line about how "some wars are won with a quill and parchment" or something of that sort.

Not when Edd finally got a good line:

Man, Harold Perrineau should be doing much better work, especially after he got all that exposure in Lost.

I would love to hear "the Dornishman's Wife" covered by either the decemberists (obvious) or gwar

Don't ever call him bastard!

"No Touching" would be a perfect slogan for a picture with the hand chair.
That or "I never thought I'd miss a hand so much"

I'm thinking the Beric fight will happen at the end of next episode.  It would be very Game of Thrones to intro the character and immediately appear to kill him off.  Leave his resurrection for the fourth episode.

It was on his breastplate last season, but tonight they even had Jaime point out the flayed man on the banners.  Banners are a much bigger and more noticeable display.

I'm really hoping that non-readers picked up on the Bolton banners.  If I'm not mistaken, this was the first time they really threw his sigil in the audience's face.

You totally failed to mention that The Damned Things album happens to be awesome

I would guess he shows up fairly soon.  Maybe the end of episode three or even two.  That way he can have his Beric fight, and we get a bunch of episodes of "Arya and the Hound"

If you really wanted an all Theon episode, you could just watch one of the Hostel movies instead.