
I'm one of those people who has the "grows hate-response to favorite song after having it used as an alarm," so as much as I'd love to wake up to "Digital Love" by Daft Punk every day, I only use it for a week or two at most once every few months, and then cycle in something else so I don't get sick of it. I'm

I appreciate his commitment to cherry, which everyone knows is the best flavor in any iteration.

We value your deeply nuanced contribution.

I just finished the back half of S7 and I was so grateful that they did such a fantastic job sending those characters off.

I'm definitely relieved that they let Jamie shine on this one; as much as I think The XX and Coexist are good albums, they sound pretty much the same, and I they can't sustain any more of that and have it still be interesting.

I've had the same/similar theory about Moriarty since S2- Up until the Eurus reveal, because of the constant twin references, I'd always imagined that "Moriarty"/Richard Brook was a pair of twins being played by Andrew Scott. I assumed that they were acting together under one identity, and that in Reichenbach one of

Yeah, she never really spells out what she means by that, I just read in the only thing I thought made sense.

I definitely need to watch ASIB again, because a lot of it's fuzzy for me at this point, but I remember the "I'm not actually gay." "Well, I am." exchange as Irene suggesting that John's denial of any romantic feeling for Sherlock based on his heterosexuality was irrelevant, because Sherlock was just an unusual case

Thank god, i'm not the only one who couldn't believe how long that freaking Culverton Smith monologue went on for.

I should probably re-watch this episode tonight because I seem to have had a much more negative reaction to it than… literally anyone else..

I want to watch a Series of Unfortunate Events and Planet Earth II for sure.

I resent you for making me think about that Rihanna song montage.

Don't you know? If a kid's mother dies while you're babysitting it, you're legally the mother now! She's Molly's baby now, she'll raise Rosamund and teach her the ways of the morgue.

The two things that ruined this episode for me:

I don't quite know what to say about this album… I would agree with the sentiment that it's weak for MIA, and I would say a C or C- was fair on an MIA-only scale, but I can't deny that I've been listening to it more than anything else that's been released recently. In the scheme of popular music overall at the moment

Wow, wouldn't it just be absolutely wild if Homestuck turned out to be fact-based nonfiction in the future

My exact feelings about that. It's incredible how much I don't care about literally anything else they've ever done, in contrast with how much that one song rips me apart.

Bedshaped- Keane
Should Have Known Better - Sufjan Stevens (way too many sufjan stevens to list)
Running Up That Hill - Kate Bush
All of the Lights - Kanye West
Simple Song - The Shins
Samson - Regina Spektor
Sometime Around Midnight - Airborne Toxic Event
In a Big Country - Big Country
u - Kendrick Lamar
Birthday - The

I'm going to say that this qualifies under the category of "atypical parent-figure and child relationship" because I want to talk about it- Brock Samson and Hank and Dean Venture?

Ahhhh, cantrips! Literally can't keep my spells straight for the life of me. My group started a new campaign last weekend, and while I was reusing my old elf cleric reset to level 1, so I didn't have to deal with most of the stats, I had forgotten the casting requirements and effects of all the spells and cantrips. My