
I was relieved to see that this review was mostly positive/in line with my own view, because when I saw the image on the front page I steeled myself for a giant roast of all I know and love.

I'm kind of split on this album. The songs I love, I really love, and the ones I don't love are just kind of "this is good i guess, but not that interesting." His albums tend to kind of "fill out" for me the more i listen, like it takes a week or so and then I latch onto the ones that underwhelmed me at first.

In my opinion, for sure. I forced myself through about 150 pages and realized I had no interest in continuing whatsoever. I don't think it was the content, I think I just really dislike his prose. I read Coraline a while back and was similarly lukewarm about the writing, and I also disliked every episode of Doctor Who

you're correct, amazon still owns the streaming rights, until August 2017 at least. if anything was ever going to happen it could only be negotiated after that date, anyway.

not to be a total buzzkill but man these lyrics are real bad

not to sound bitter and all that, but when is netflix gonna fork over the money to Bryan Fuller so he can make more Hannibal?

Speaking of good songs off Ghost Stories- I really, really enjoy Magic, sort of in spite of myself. When I first heard it, my sister was playing the album, and both of us kind of looked at each other and said "These lyrics are objectively terrible and make me want to gag, but the music is sort of… Beautiful..?"

I remember when Mylo Xyloto came out and I had the nagging feeling that it was the beginning of the end for me and Coldplay… I saw them in concert with my best friend the summer after that album came out, and their setlist was a pleasant mix of old favorites and the highlights off MX (which wasn't wholly awful), and

Shrek and Shrek 2 are still genuinely enjoyable to me. I've seen Shrek 2 probably upwards of 15 times (I can defend myself by saying I was 9 when it came out, and we took lots of long car rides with a portable DVD player.) and I'll still leave it on if I come across it on TV. 3 was terrible, never bothered with 4.

If you're only going to laugh once at Shrek, that's definitely the place to do it. I just laughed reading your comment and thinking about it.

I don't think I have much practical advice but I want you to know I feel you and i'm right there with you.

I know it's been about a month but I just finally got around to watching this episode and had to drop by to leave the overdue "I watched it and now I can have an opinion" and also the deserved "F" personal grade.

Well that was just like, my opinion, man.

Half the reason I can't be too put out about Formation losing to Hello is that while Hello was mind-numbingly boring, it was basically impossible to hear Formation for most of the year unless you managed to catch it on radio (and I lived in Italy for the first half of 2016, so that wasn't going to happen.).

I'm having such a hard time reacting to these results. I think Beyonce is generally over-praised for the simplest stuff and passed my breaking point with her fanbase years ago, but it's also clear that Lemonade was a superior album to 25. It might have been kind of inconsistent, but 25 was only consistently boring,

I agree so much with this, it's the talking point I used to convince my best friend to watch the show this weekend. I'm not particularly "faithful" and would probably best be termed an agnostic, but I grew up in a Catholic family and find something beautiful and comforting about the history and artistic traditions of

I think it's clear that it would be most valuable for the organizers to keep the ceremony on and use it to draw attention to issues, if that's what people involved want to do. Canceling it in protest would mean nothing to anyone outside Hollywood. They could also just go on with the show and not mention Trump at all,

I only knew <5 of the bands on this list by name, and of those, the only one i've ever listened to is Xiu Xiu. On the subject of that single, i'm pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed it! I'm listening at 10 am, so I appreciate the relative lack of violence in it. I usually appreciate the "I Luv The Valley Oh"

Matthew Crawley was mine for Downton Abbey as well, I clicked on the article looking for that.

I finished reading Under the Skin on my Friday commute home… I thought that book was really nice and affecting. A surprisingly small story for the subject matter, but I liked it that way. I'd never read anything by Michel Faber before, but I appreciated the way he withheld information so well, especially regarding the