
I'm not even surprised enough to bother asking "no Hannibal?"

I absolutely love Origin of Love. I'm not even a massive fan of Hedwig, but that song is one of those that hits every single time with enough force to make me tear up.

I never know what to expect with the SNL reviews on AV Club, except that generally i'm going to disagree with them.

This weekend I listened/watched the video to FKA Twigs' M3LL155X and absolutely loved every second. I listen to a lot of music on a weekly basis, because i'm an art student and I spend most of my time working with music in the background, and I also really love music videos. However, I don't often watch those long

I would like to thank Mr. Waters for giving us a genuinely funny Hatesong to bring us all together… As well as reminding me that I hadn't watched this YTP in a while: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I've been so busy the past few weeks that I ended up watching the past 3 episodes (all the red dragon material) yesterday, and wow, have I been missing out. This is more reminiscent of all the best parts of the first season with some of the nice baggage of the second season thrown in there. Much more engaging than the

Also not a guy, and I don't mean this to sound like an attack, but I don't understand people who get upset that the main plotlines of Hannibal all tend to revolve around Hannibal and Will. It's a (loose) adaptation of Hannibal/Red Dragon at this point, and those two are just the main characters of those stories. Not

Completely with you on three counts. The trailer for Inside Out didn't excite me about the movie at all (I also had major issues with the character designs, especially for Joy.. I just can't get past the lemon yellow/electric blue combo with that fuzzy, particle-y effect) However, last month I had the opportunity to

I held out on True Detective for half a year because I go to film school, and everyone and their mom wouldn't shut up about what an amazing show it was. Every day, my classmates, my professors, it was everywhere. It rustled me a little bit more than it probably would have because i'm a massive fan of Hannibal, which

Because "F" is "so bad it's funny"

I chose Option C, obviously, but I was curious and went back to play A and B.

I've watched the majority of the episodes from this season, and maybe i'm in some weird minority but I managed to derive decent enjoyment from most of them, for what they were. I'm not sure, maybe it's because I was more invested in Martin Freeman as a host? I just felt like there were no standout sketches this week

I'm not really sure if we were watching the same episode…

I have, but it was over a year ago that I first read Mockingjay. After reading this comments section, I actually felt compelled to re-read the series this week, and would like to ammend my comment to reflect that while they played up the grey morality enough that you'd catch it if you'd read the books, they actually

Wow, is the music ballot short. I actually had an opinion about an album that AV Club was wrong about, for once, and was excited to give 'em what for.

I went with Hannibal as well, with the five minutes of Mizumono that began with Alana fleeing upstairs for the most "gutting" (honestly can't remember the wording the poll used, i'm so goddamn sorry).

I don't know what your friends are talking about, I felt that grey morality all the way through. Once you've seen Heavensbee, Coin and the whole Natalie Dormer film crew in action, I'd be surprised if you didn't.

There were few and scattered overt ones, but I think that if you've read the book you'll probably see all of his scenes as subtle lead-up. As far as I remember the book, the ramp-up to that was pretty slow and grey as well. I think the film is dropping the right amount of hint, considering that he's a very grey-area

I gave this movie a B+. Could have gone with an A-, but damn did I feel the scarcity of Peeta and Haymitch. As an adaptation of the slowest (not necessarily in a bad way, but certainly in a uncinematic way) half of book I've read in recent memory, it was impressive.

It ends with Katniss flying through the air above the Capitol in her bird-dress, shouting "I am fire, I am death!" in a bass-boosted rumble.