
Why should it even be an issue at all? Say it's Mara and Jordan. Mara says, "I'm Susan Storm, and this is my little brother Johnny." That's all the exposition you'd need (they're siblings, Sue's older) and then you can just assume from there that one of them's adopted or they're step-siblings. There, problem solved.

How about an Asian female Watson on Elementary? That's race AND gender bending!

I'm not sure how much of it was her versus how much of it was her manager/publicist/whatever, but she was a pretty effective counterpoint to Spears, Aguilera and Simpson in the early 2000's. And the fact that she kind of outlasted all of them says something. I have no idea what, but it says something.

It's really telling, though, that even after all these years she still couldn't promise him she would have come back to New York if she'd been successful in San Francisco. And really, there was no indication she would have come back anyway if it wasn't for Barney's intervention. Marshall may have come off too harsh,

Fuck that noise. Like whatever you want to, man.

Yeah, this. I wasn't saying Adventure Time and MLP were the same thing, but that MLP has more in common with Adventure Time than it does with Dora.; For example, Pinkie Pie's mental breakdown in "Party of One" of even the flashback to Princess Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon just this season. The show goes

It really hasn't factored in too much. She's learning how to fly, and I guess she's on some kind of artifact quest that they don't bring up that often, but it's pretty much the same show except Twilight has wings now.

Pretty much exactly what I did. I decided after checking it out that I liked it, bought a Fluttershy toy to put on my desk and a friend got me a shirt for Christmas that year. I keep up with the new episodes, but no more than any other show I watch.

My Little Pony has more in common with Adventure Time than Dora the Explorer. Same universe, different sides of the spectrum. It's quite that out there, nor is it as obviously trying to appeal to both children and adults, but it's a lot more clever than it gets credit for around here, and it goes to some dark places

I read it. It seems to me that the genders of the characters are pretty incidental. They're mostly female because My Little Pony as a brand is aimed at young girls. Even among the exclusively female main characters, I'd only call one of them particularly feminine (Rarity). Also, it's wrong to say Spike doesn't count

Mine was watch Game of Thrones… and I did it! Go me.

Die Hard residuals? I'm pretty sure "Family Matters" is still running 3 or 4 times a day on some channel.

I saw the first movie for the first time last year, and all I could think after was "Lewis raped that girl." It was impossible for me to root for the nerds after that.

If I saw this in a theater for the first time, I wouldn't know what it was for. A new monster movie? Cool, I guess. Even with the silhouette at the end, I'd probably just think, "it kind of looks like Godzilla."

Yeah, that was my mom when she took me to see Ace Ventura. To this day, she maintains that the movie was "stupid" but I remember her laughing in the theater.

They could have done anything they wanted with this trailer, as long as they ended on that roar. So, good job!

the difference is that McConaughey STARTED his career that way. He was drawing comparisons to Paul Newman in his early days. Everyone just humored the years and years of awful romantic comedies waiting for him to come back and live up to his potential, and he finally did.

I'm that age, I saw both those movies in theaters, and really liked them as a kid. They are so fucking terrible, and I hate them so much now, it actually makes me angry that so many people my age can't see how awful they are.

I really like Jebediah Atkins, but he's not very professional if he didn't notice that Peppermint Patty and Marcie aren't in "A Charlie Brown Christmas," a special that predates their debuts by more than a decade. It's like he didn't even watch it!

Not all of them, at least not in the older ones. The prequels went really overboard, though. I still think "Count Dooku" sounds terminally silly, and not the least bit threatening.