
He's still nothing more than a Drumpf

Based on that top 5, it looks like it usually goes to either something well said or at least harmlessly fun.

Sure, but Marvel was still the only game in town (in terms of the whole "shared universe" thing, anyway) when those movies came out. And while Man of Steel predates Ant-Man, that was just the intro movie. Now they've got active competition right behind them.

I think the premise of the article supports it. The cracks in Marvel's facade are starting to show. Iron Fist was an abject failure, Guardians 2 and Homecoming were good, but nothing too special, and Inhumans looks like it could be a huge stumble. For all that to happen right around the time Marvel's biggest rival

Not to mention that Ross tried to call her to patch things up from the bar, and only really went off the rails when he found out Mark was there. It was an odd mood for Rachel to invite him into her apartment for ANY reason when Ross's jealously of him was pretty much the root of the whole problem. And given that Mark

That's my favorite episode. He actually drew a logo on the Lightning Round cards!

Chandler was always a little jealous of Richard, but it never got to the point where he'd burn everything to the ground the way Ross basically did.

My brother really couldn't stand the show, but he belly-laughed at the reveal of Joey piecing together that Chandler and Monica were sleeping together just watching a rerun with me. "Okay, that was good," he said to me.

That scene is great though. The way David is just waiting for Maddie, the way she delivers her whole speech to him thinking he's someone else, the whole tenor of their argument losing that playfulness they always had, the vaguely looming threat of things actually getting dangerous… I love it.

I agree with all this. It makes sense that she was originally cast as Roz on Frasier.

Mine was GoldenEye, too! I was 9 at the time.

Whenever someone asks me that question and they hear my answer, Pinocchio, I always get a confused expression. Like they're surprised to know that Disney made movies before 1989.

Keisha Knight Pullium was only 6 when she was nominated.

Burell is pretty great though. My issue is with the SHOW still being nominated, not him.

Phil Hartman DID get a posthumous nomination for NewsRadio. Only major nomination the show ever got if I recall.

That writing nod for Hush was great, especially since the other nominees were two Sopranos and two West Wings.

Same here. Given how popular that movie was, it can't have been too tough to dig up.

Well, it is true that he's one of only three non-main characters who physically appears in every season. The others are Monica and Ross's parents.

I actually said "Is that the Power Rangers Command Center?" out loud.

I'd say it officially died when Bryan Cranston posted that video of himself sneezing and immediately being handed an Emmy.