
Alright, New Design, I draw the line at you keeping me from watching Muppets. This means war.

I love this show, unabashedly. One of my favorites right now. It's a pretty good time for so-called "children's shows" right now, what with this, Adventure Time, Regular Show, Gravity Falls, Legend of Korra… cartoons are awesome.

Miss Cheerilee says it to her students every now and then, and I'm certain Twilight said it to the Cutie Mark Crusaders at least once.

Also, whenever Bart does Marge's voice. Or whenever Homer does Marge's voice. Or whenever anyone on The Simpsons tries to do Marge's voice.

Also, they're all pretty asexual. Only Rarity and Twilight have ever shown any interest in dating at all, and only briefly at that.

People really like Greengrass's Bourne movies. At least, I did.

I like the strange names in Hunger Games. They're not as cutesy as Harry Potter's, or as "trying really hard to sound fanciful" as Star Wars. They're names that come from a time when all written documents of the pre-Panem world have been long-lost, so there are no conventions except for a few bit here and there that

I like Bart vs. Lisa plots, even when they're brief. They play off each other so well.

You're right, I completely forgot. So they've got a ten-year-old and a seven-year-old still running around.

Based on the ages of the kids at the show's end, Jamie is around 10 years old now, but should be the only kid still living at home.

I partially agree. I will always think of him as Hal, as I genuinely think it's a stronger performance, but Breaking Bad was pretty great. Greatest of all time? Not even close, but a really excellent show.

There are plenty of ways to reference past successes without doing the "Newhart" thing. I remember Michael J. Fox's final Spin City, he moved to Washington and there was a quick joke about having to work with a young senator named Alex Keaton.

A legal loophole sends Amy Sedaris back to high school, with Stephen Colbert as a teacher. Parks & Rec becomes the second run of Strangers With Candy.

I get compliments on my eyes every now and then. I'm going to start responding with that.

I've heard Pawnee compared to Springfield a lot, and I think this is the best case for it. The whole city council thing was like a seasons-long version of the classic Simpsons trope of "character gets what they want, only to realize that what they wanted was kind of horrible." Think "Marge Gets a Job" or "Bart Gets

He presented at the Oscars a couple of years ago. After they announced his name, he muttered into the mic "That's the only time my name will ever be said on this stage." So there's at least a little self-awareness there.

A whole that looks like the crime scenes from Manhunter/Red Dragon? That's also a family-friendly musical romp? That sounds amazing.

This movie sounds like exactly the kind of high-profile trainwreck my friends and I will watch on Netflix in three or four years after drinking way too much, proceed to talk over the whole thing, and only kind of remember the next day. Can't wait!

"Twin Peaks, Season Three" as a graphic adventure by Telltale Games is a thing I want.

I get that Will Smith was the biggest star to come out of that movie, but I seem to remember Bill Pullman and Jeff Goldblum being more important characters. Why does the whole thing hinge on Smith saying yes or no, when he's not even as super A-List as he was six years ago?