OHMYGOD That IS Patty Mayonnaise! I looked it up after reading your comment and now my mind is blown.
OHMYGOD That IS Patty Mayonnaise! I looked it up after reading your comment and now my mind is blown.
I liked this movie a lot, but I haven't seen it since it was released. I need to check it out again soon.
They'd have to be. Hook is a terrible, terrible movie.
I went to elementary school with a kid named Christopher Kriss. I couldn't wrap my head around it. I honestly think even just alliterative names are a little strange, in a kind of comic-booky way, why would you give your kid the same name twice?
My favorite thing about that comic is that they just call her "Donna from That 70's Show." I've actually met her, and seen her pop up in a ton of different things over the years, and I still call her Donna from That 70's Show.
Thinking about it, Topher Grace might have been a better choice for Larry than Jason Biggs.
I hate this movie. I hate it so, so much. It is the worst thing.
I love this movie, and the complete 180 it does from the original makes it one of the stranger sequels ever made to a massively successful movie. Are there any other direct sequels that go so bonkers after the original? Bogus Journey and Batman Returns are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.
I feel like it's tensionless. I mean, Marshall's the kind of guy who wants everyone to be happy, and will avoid confrontation, but now is the PERFECT time to be vindictive about Lily calling off the wedding and going to San Francisco.
I imagine Ted got the band's details from Cindy when they bumped into each other on the subway and passed them along to Barney or Robin. Since Robin's not as wedding-obsessed as Lily, and also because I think they were a last-minute replacement band, she didn't need to see them play first and probably just hired them…
They had Hurley on a few years ago and, while I liked his character and the episode as a whole, the couple of Lost jokes they tossed in there felt really forced, and are completely dated now. Maybe they learned their lesson.
Does his Muppets cameo count?
I watched all of Breaking Bad, and I still think of him as Hal.
I have a couple of those books. The Legend of Zelda one was really cool.
She didn't seem much more open about calling Barney out than Nora and Quinn were when they met. Also, since it's a flashback within a flashback, what we're seeing is the girl Barney remembers turned his life around. There's every chance she wasn't actually that sage, and Barney's flair for the dramatic is what makes…
It's not a good puppet, I just like that Phantom Menace still had a little restraint when it came to what they needed to CGI. Just the fact that he IS a puppet is more what I was referring to.
I think Phantom Menace is the least awful prequel. At times, it almost feels like a Star Wars movie. A handful of practical sets, Yoda's still a puppet, the big lightsaber fight is flashier than the old movies but not nearly as over the top the fights in the next two…
Of course he's gone mad with power. Have you ever tried going mad WITHOUT power? It's no fun. No one listens to you.
HANK: I don't like him. it has nothing to do with where he's from. I'm no redneck. He could be from Mars for all I care.
I want the sequel to Punisher: Warzone to be an adaptation of The Punisher Meets Archie.