
I always assumed that he was positioned as the star in the show's early days because, hot on the heels of Grease, he was the show's most recognizable actor.

Don't hold your breath. The first Twilight beat Dark Knight and Iron Man, and New Moon beat Avatar and Hangover. I mean, they're the MTV Awards so of course they did, but even a movie with a fanbase as substantial as the goddamn Batman couldn't beat the vampires.

I'm with sarCCastro's initial choice. Anna Kendrick would be awesome.

Kate Bosworth was on Dexter last year?

I don't think he was in Life Aquatic, but one of the men on Zissou's team was named after him.

Painful memories
I once used Homer's line to Marge at the prom about how "all the voices in his head that are usually full of doubt are absent, and how can it be wrong when every sign points to it being right (paraphrase)" on a girl in high school.

@ Father Ubu

Hand up. I Want a New Duck was used on a Donald Duck TV special (I think it was a parody of 60 Minutes or something) that my parents taped and I watched all the time. So I actually heard I Want a New Duck before I'd ever heard of Huey Lewis OR Weird Al.

Cindy Lou Who might be the cutest thing ever animated.

Well, my first attempt at a firstie was a resounding failure. Never shall I try again.

He should bring the first lady along with him.

This kinda reminds me of
Comix Zone. Anyone remember that game?

I always loved Bart's complete lack of imagination in giving his putter a name.

The 80s are dead as fucking dead, man. Eric Stolz is coming back in a big fucking way.

I've been dying to see this for years. About damn time.

Bloodlines was awesome, and that was a Genesis exclusive.

I thought I was stealing a line from Zac Efron in Hairspray. My bad.

I guess this adventure
got just a little too big for ABC Family.

I was in drama club and chorus in high school (and straight, I swear!) and I fucking hate Glee.

But I think that idea actually comes across a little bit in the first Rambo movie, especially in the alternate ending where he makes Trautman shoot him. Rambo didn't become a superhero until the second one.